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Deep Sea Valentine News

Update 2.0

It's here, finally! And it's a big one!

Thank you so much for your patience, everyone! As promised, the new update contains the following:
  • Massive Engine Update. Probably the main issue many people were experiencing was a low framerate. The new engine should significantly help with this problem and make for a much smoother gameplay experience!
  • Bonus Story. Reaching a certain ending now unlocks an epilogue containing 10-20 minutes of funny dialogue and brand new eye candy!
  • Route Shortcuts. After unlocking your first ending, you will gain access to the "Shortcuts" button from the main menu. This lets you skip to a specific ending, provided you've already seen the necessary scenes from the common route. See this guide for more details about how it works!
  • Fixed achievements. The previous update introduced an error that prevented achievements from unlocking on Steam. This is fixed now, and your previously earned achievements should come pooling in as soon as you start the game.
  • Minor edits to maps and cutscenes
  • Fixed one(!) spelling mistake
  • Many other minor improvements

The Deep Sea Valentine Art Book is also available now! It'll be 20% off during the first week!

I hope you'll enjoy the new update, and thanks again!

Version 2.0 Coming Soon!

Hey everyone!

I'm happy to announce that the next update will be ready soon. Here's what's coming your way:
  • Massive Engine Update. It took a while, but it's finally coming! The new engine significantly boosts performance and has a much smoother camera. I think you'll really love how the game feels to play!
  • Bonus Story. If you've reached a certain ending, you will unlock an epilogue featuring all the girls in brand new outfits!
  • Route Shortcuts. I'm introducing a new feature that will make getting all endings and 100%ing the game a lot easier. No more running back and forth between the murky waters and purple forest a million times!
  • Fixed achievements. The previous update introduced an error that prevented achievements from unlocking on Steam. This will be corrected.
  • And more!
A sneak peek at the new bonus story.

Aside from that, I'm also publishing an art book for Deep Sea Valentine. It will launch at the same time as the update, so make sure to add it to your wishlist and get it at a discount!

The only drawback of the new update is that it will most certainly break all save files, since much of the underlying code has been completely rewritten. If you're in the middle of a run, make sure to get at least one ending so your progress wasn't for nothing!
All cleared endings still carry over, and will help you make great use of the route shortcuts feature!

Currently, I'm still working on some final touches, but the update should be out within a week or two.
Thank you for your patience, and see you soon!

Update 1.4

The new update is here!

Without further ado, let's jump into the patch notes. Here's what was added/changed:
  • A new walking and running speed slider. This lets you decide how fast you move across the maps.
  • Major condensation of the maps. All the maps are now around 33% smaller, while keeping the general layout the same. This should make exploring a lot more interesting, since all events and landmarks are closer to each other, and enter your field of vision more quickly!
  • Repositioning of certain objects. Along with the new layout of the maps, I've repositioned some of the secret objects to be slightly more difficult to find.
  • The purple forest is now actually purple. You'll see what I mean when you get there!
  • Rounded corners for the hills. Softening those sharp edges should make the underwater world look a lot more natural.
  • Sea stars can now be on the ground as well. Because why shouldn't the floor be just as colorful as the hills?
  • Less seaweed. I've decided to use the seaweed a tiny bit more sparingly, both for aesthetic and engine performance reasons.
  • Minor engine improvements.

And that's all for this update. Unfortunately, the big engine rewrite didn't make the cut just yet, but I figured I'd ship the current improvements since they're already pretty cool on their own. Thank you for your support!

I'm also excited to reveal the next update will include post-game bonus content, in which the girls are wearing brand new outfits! If you're curious to see Triche, Moka, and Pris, you can view them here!

New Update Coming Next Month!

Hey everyone, it's been a while!

I wanted to let you know that update 1.4 is in the works. I did a little something to the game's graphics. From this screenshot, can you spot what's different from version 1.3?

If you want to confirm your guess, you can read my full announcement here!
It outlines all the visual changes, and also reveals a new preference slider I'll be adding.

Aside from that, the developer of Deep Sea Valentine's engine is working hard on improving the framerate, but as of now there is no precise ETA on that. There's a good chance it'll be part of the next update, but maybe it'll have to wait until version 1.5. Thank you for your patience!

In either case: The next update should be out in around three weeks. I hope you'll like it!

Also, I want to warn you ahead of time that the update will break the backwards compatibility of save files. If you're almost done with a route, make sure you finish it by then!

Update 1.3

This update fixes touch events once and for all. Namely, it is now impossible to "run over" an event, no matter what computer you're using. Use the shift key with no worries!

I'm also happy to announce that the developer of the Pink Engine (the RPG framework Deep Sea Valentine uses) is completely revamping the rendering system. Their goal is to release the next update at the end of March, and I will try my best to implement those changes as soon as they're out. This should make the game run much smoother on all computers, so please look forward to it!

I'm also pretty sure that the next update (1.4) will break the compatibility of old save files, so please plan your playthroughs accordingly. Thank you for your support and patience!