1. Dead Seater
  2. News
  3. Patch 1

Patch 1

Hello! Here is an update with a lot of tiny but very important changes based on gameplay I've watched so far.

There won't be many updates for Dead Seater since it's quite a small side-project, so this one will probably be the last for a while. The next update, if it comes, will hopefully address the loading times.

Since there won't be many more patches, I guess I should say what I think about this project. Considering I had only a single play-tester before launch (other than myself), I think things went pretty dang well! Dead Seater indicates that I've learned a lot of things but is also clearly a learning experience in itself. The biggest thing it shows is that I've finally learned how to keep control of scope--but also that all the little, weird, unplanned changes can make a project come together. I think that's how I'll look back on this.