2. News
  3. Patch #1

Patch #1

BUG - Fix to stop the ammo pouch and gun fighting over the magazine
BUG - Fixed issue with volumetrics getting garbage data and becoming randomly colored
ADJUST - Bonelab version added to log
ADJUST - Device ID updates when using different controllers
ADJUST - Devtools spawnable if you have them unlocked, no longer requires developer mode
ADJUST - Level selection available through progression
ADJUST - 1911 made default unlock
ADJUST - Added gacha poster instructions
ADJUST - Nimbus gun disables leaderboards

BUG - HUB - Fix for potential progression skip
BUG - HUB - Fixes for potentially stalled progression when going from Hub to Ascent
BUG - MINE DIVE - Various Triggers fixed
BUG - MONOGON MOTORWAY - Trigger tutorial fixed
BUG - LONGRUN - Dynamic railing colliders fixed
BUG - BIG ANOMALY - Invulnerable health fix
BUG - TUSCANY - Fixed complete button

ADJUST - HUB - Crane instruction UI added
ADJUST - HUB - Crane reset button and button labels added
ADJUST - HUB - Various UX and affordances tweeks
ADJUST - HUB - Improved funicular sound effects
ADJUST - HUB - Map is more direct, Lists core keys, and tells player what they should do.
ADJUST - MOON - Avatar Gacha capsule has beacon
ADJUST - MOON - Arrow pointing in gacha direction
ADJUST - MOON - Added jump pads
ADJUST - PILLAR - Checkpoint at middle of level added
ADJUST - PILLAR - More weapons added
ADJUST - PILLAR - Grip added to elevator platform top surface
ADJUST - PILLAR - Boids can no longer forcibly change your avatar
ADJUST - PILLAR - Added visual damage to the boid ball
ADJUST - PILLAR - Reworked upper arena area
ADJUST - STREET PUNCHER - Jukebox headphone made dynamic
ADJUST - DUNGEON WARRIOR - Closed gap in environment
ADJUST - ROOFTOPS - Various small UX improvements
ADJUST - DISTRICT - Zones adjusted to fix enemy pop-in
ADJUST - DISTRICT - Some material and lighting changes