1. Captain of Industry
  2. News
  3. Patch notes for v0.6.3

Patch notes for v0.6.3

* Improved You Shall Not Pass map backdoor-start by providing access to trees.
* Tree saplings can be now shredded into biomass.
* Game can no longer be exited when (auto)save is in progress.
* Contract profit increase (difficulty setting) is now properly applied.
* Fixed save file writing procedure that could in rare circumstances result in incompletely written save files.
* Added checksums to all game save and map files.
* Saving was made more robust by checking checksums of written files and displaying errors when any issue is detected.
* Save file overwrite only happens when the new save was successfully written and checksum was verified. If checksum check fails, both new and old files are kept and an error message is displayed.
* Save files that fail to be fully written (e.g. due to insufficient disk space) are now deleted.
* Fixed a rare save issue when tile surface command was in queue to be executed.
* Fixed issue where an excavator could not find a path to an unfulfilled designation in tight space that should have been accessible.
* Trucks should no longer return back to mines when partially loaded, they will unload completely first.
* Improved stuck vehicle notification to trigger sooner.
* Further improved vehicle recovery logic to prevent vehicles crawling on cliffs.
* Fixed settlements that kept giving unity bonuses even when supply of household goods was stopped.
* Fixed incorrect total stats for health and unity.
* Trucks no longer load more than their capacity when clearing surfaces.
* Fixed issue where truck replacing a surface would override a previous surface that was not cleared yet, making the original surface products lost.
* Trucks now don’t get a surface placement job if the surface costs more than what they have.
* Fixed case where storage would not provide products to upgrade another storage that was connected to it.
* Storage truck export is now not disabled if it gets connected to an unbuilt storage.
* Fixed vehicles refueling from storages that are set to import.
* Product notification settings are now copied when cloning a config for the Ore sorter.
* The "Cannot deliver" notification is now cleared right after the truck gets cleared.
* Ship order buttons were moved to the top of the world map settlement window.
* Fixed issues when regenerating an area outside of map in the map editor.
* Fixed tree harvester visual issues when cutting trees on a slope.
* Fixed ready-to-fulfill check for leveling designations based on the job that is asking, to match mining and dumping designations logic.