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Tunguska: The Visitation News

Respinning 1.83-3

Sorry about the frequent updates! I just found another bug caused by engine upgrade: some rocks in the game got disabled for no reason, causing players some confusions.

Also in the upgrade, fog levels are increased slightly during rainy weather, and ambient light color / shadow intensity at night are adjusted.

Update 1.83-3 Patch Notes

- Added sniper scope effect for sniper rifles and guns with PSO-1 scope attachment

- For Auto-Aim and Gamepad control schemes, when aiming down sight at an enemy, you'll see two arrows indicating whether the aim height adjustment is at the top end or bottom end. Use mouse wheel or Combo+Right Stick to adjust aim height.

- Fixed a bug with NPCs not able to throw grenades due to a null pointer error

Update 1.83-2 Patch Notes

- I finally figured out why running around with controller feels so awkward: it only has 8 directions. Now there are infinite directions!

- Fixed the HR1 recipe for Spanish

- Fixed a bug with journal page flipping when you type on the notes

- Added an audio distortion filter on each gun to make the gunshots more bright and punchy

- Now if you have unsuitable attachment installed (looking faded), the character no longer keeps on pulling out the weapon when you close the inventory

- Fixed a bug with Spanish language show displayed correctly for campfire dialogues

- Fixed a null pointer exception when mutants get hurt by anomalies

Update 1.83-1 Patch Notes

- Revamped the repair kits. Now it should have a minimum of 25 points of repair value. Also extended the repair amount to 100% instead of 25%, but only newly generated repair kits will have this value. Sorry about the inconvenience! I'm making this change because the repair kits don't really do well with items with low maximum durability, such as armor insertions.

- Also, when repairing with wood and metal, it'll also have a minimum of 5 points of repair value.

- Fixed a bug where the rock of rejuvenation disappears

- Fixed a bug where if the secondary sidearm is showing up and you want to repair it with the kit, it tries to repair the primary sidearm instead.

Weapon Handling Improvements, Lots of QoL

Dear Ghoul Hunters,

Thank you for your patience! I have been working on a huge list of improvements and upgraded the engine to Unity 2019.1. Please let me know if you notice any problem after this update, since I added a lot of changes. Thank you!

- Fixed a bug with unread tutorials not showing up if there's already a tutorial being displayed. You will now see an icon flashing if there are unread tutorials.

- Added a "Auto Aim Threshold" option in the game if you want more challenge with auto-aim modes.

- Added new mutant animations reacting to injuries

- Improved the blood spatter of shotguns

- Ravens and bullet holes will no longer be lit by your red laser

- Reduced jitter on the arrow when using melee weapon with controller

- The visual recoil (camera shake) is now dependent of weapon types. Shotguns should feel more "punchy" now

- When you are reloading, you can jump to cancel it.

- Sniper rifles will more likely to knock the enemy back

- Weapons now have different critical hit chance

- Fixed a bug where if you hit a mutant, he might still hit you back even though their attack was interrupted by your hit

- When you transfer items to containers and stashes, they will stack when the container is filled up

- The whirlwind anomaly will emit a few flying leaves every once in a while to help you see them

- Added a sound effect when you are hurt by the whirlwind anomaly

- You can now use A/D left/right or mouse wheel to flip pages in the journal, orders, and discovery page

- When using the motorcycle, it will now list you destinations one map away, so you can at most skip two maps at once.

- When you injure a standing human/mutant when he's not aware, he will stumble

- Revamped the animations for throwing grenades with the quick throw key (G) to make them faster, and fixed a bug with character being stuck when trying to quick throw while holding melee weapon

- Fixed a bug with crouch-thrown grenades flying out from the wrong spot

- When using the controller, you have to hold Combo key to adjust the aim height (which now plays a clicking sound) so that you don't accidentally fix the aim to the head and miss a lot of shots.

- When using controller to craft, you can now put the cursor around the temperature slider and use DPAD left/right to adjust temperature

- When opening the serum lab, if you don't have the recipe clipbook yet and just have some recipe papers in your backpack, it'll automatically open one of them and you can use the arrow to cycle through them

- You can now use DPAD to cycle through tutorials when you open the tutorials page