1. Astro Colony
  2. News
  3. Improvements + Developer stream #1

Improvements + Developer stream #1

Hey Astro Colonists!

The game just received the Major Update about terraforming.
To celebrate it with Our community, I decided to stream the game, where I am progressing far enough to show the new content. This time I will not start from the beginning, but I will try to show a little bit of advanced progression, getting into next universe and capturing some creatures!

[h2]Stream starts today (Saturday) at 21CET (9PM)[/h2]

For people who have Steam broadcasting issues, it's also on Twitch:

I would love to share also list of recent changes (from yesterday) which eliminated various crashes and made end of the game fully playable and more balanced.

  • Added missing hotkeys for all tools Ctrl1-Ctrl8
  • Improved greatly performance for all new plants universe II, III, IV
  • Improved balance - spawning rate of Life - plants/animals

  • Fixed savegame compatibility for second universe planets
  • Fixed savegame compatibility for plants and animals (farms/barns)
  • Fixed unlocking of the Prism recipe
  • Fixed saving/loading recipes of cobalt rods and mercury rods
  • Fixed crash related Mine upgrade when miner was assigned
  • Fixed the issue where rotated constructed farm with blueprints would have strange behavior
  • Fixed saving/loading state for new machines like gas tank
  • Fixed issue with loading the game and having issues with saving voxel planet

Thanks guys so much for support!
Tefel (Terad Games)