1. Spellmasons
  2. News
  3. Anniversary Update

Anniversary Update

It's been a over a year since Spellmasons was released publicly and it's been a wild ride! I'm so grateful for the community - tons of suggestions (and bug fixes) from Discord have been implemented in the 33 updates that have been released since launch!

This is the biggest content update to date. Enjoy all the new spells and madness!

Here's the full change log:

New Boss!
Goru: the Corpse Warlock

New Spells!
- Alchemize
- Execute
- Merge
- Meteor
- Polymorph
- Recall
- Shatter
- Soul Bind
- Soul Shard
- Stomp
- Target Curse
- Target Injured
- Empower
- Enfeeble
- Bolt
- Dark Tide
- Blood Bath
- Fling

New Music!
2 new songs in the soundtrack

New Trailer!

Other changes
- content: Remove cursed mana potion
because it is anti-fun.
Thanks to Kyte from Steam Community
- i18n: Save dialog, modifiers, undying
- menu: Deduplicate previousCustomUrls
- ref: Allow purple portal to be used mid-game (#653)
- fix: Upgrades work in the + levels
- fix: shadows overlapping newly spawned units
- fix: Prevent units disappearing when too close to Wall
Thank you @Viz for reporting
- mods: Remove broken explosive archer mod
- fix: Protect against MessageQueue softlock
Thanks @JCDreamz for reporting