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Research Story News

Hotfix v0.7.11.f

- Attempt to fix rare crash that affected some players, which happens when sleeping after upgrading a tool at Remus' shop.

Happy researching!
Miki 🤍


A few more fixes and minor balancing changes:
- Fixed a crash that happens when clicking in a specific spot before Snowball Frenzy starts.

Balancing Changes
- Achievement requirement for 'Baller' reduced from 65 to 55 points.
- Composting soil modifiers now drops 2 items instead of 1.
- Soil modifier selling prices reduced from 15G to 8G.

Controller QOL
- When opening chests while moving upwards, further inputs are locked until joystick is released or when another input is detected. This is to prevent players from unintentionally moving up to the chest inventory.

Thank you for playing!
Miki 🤍


- Fixed disappearing Start Menu buttons for larger screen resolutions.
- [CN Localisation] Fixed freezing when talking to Luke sometimes.

Thanks for the reports!
Miki 🤍

Hotfix v0.7.11.c

- Fixed a crash that happens when leaving a Hangout Event via a Teleporter.
- Fixed Lisa's dialogue that leads to a crash if the player did not attend the Ice Cream Fair.
- Fixed Lisa's name showing as ??? in the Calendar.
- Fixed a typo for 'Sharpfin' Research Scroll/Recording Station.

Thank you for the bug reports!

[📝 Update Mar 16: To players whose buttons disappear after changing to full screen, you can restart your game and the buttons will appear again. I'll be fixing this asap :)]
We're aware of a bug affecting players with larger resolutions: after changing game settings, the main menu buttons will no longer show up. We'll be fixing it as soon as we can, once I get a larger resolution screen to test with. I expect this bug to be fixed within 1-2 months. In the meantime, players can play on the tested resolution of 1920x1080 to prevent the bug. Thank you for your patience!

We're also aware of a performance issue for some players, where the player moves very slowly. While we're still trying to figure out the cause, I've been optimising the game for our next regular update which hopefully improves the overall experience.

- Miki

Hotfix v0.7.11.b

Another hotfix, relating to tools:
1) Fixed a bug where Remus is stuck in trying to complete a Copper Tool (after the highest tool tier is bought).
2) Fixed a bug where taking the said Copper Tool from Remus leads to a 'missing'/invisible tool.
3) Fixed a bug where an upgraded tool is never complete/lost in the making.

Related to #3, if your save file is affected and you bought a tool upgrade but never received it, you can send your save file to us and I'll fix it for you (let me know which tool upgrade it was). You can send your save to [email protected] or on our Discord. I'll look into it and fix it asap! Sorry for the trouble!


Also received a report where Remus is stuck upgrading a Chroma Hammer. If you're still facing any tool-related issues, please send us your save files, and I'll fix the bugs asap. Thank you so much for your help!
Getting your Save File 📁
1) Open Run app (Windows + R key)
2) Copy this to the field: %LOCALAPPDATA%\ResearchStory\Saves
3) Press Ok.
4) Your save file looks like this: 0_Player_savedgame.save
