1. World End Diner
  2. News
  3. Halloween Event!

Halloween Event!

Hello everyone!

Happy Halloween !!!!

Although it is the same content as last year,
If you haven't experienced it yet, please look for the various events and limited-edition furniture!
This event will continue until around November 1st.

The animals and robots seem to be full of Halloween festivities.
Please welcome them to your diners!


I would like to thank everyone who has reported bugs during this time period, as well as those who have distributed videos on Youtube and Twitch!

And,I would also like to thank those of you who have written STEAM reviews from the bottom of my heart.
Your reviews have moved me and warmed my heart. They are a great encouragement for our development. Thank you very much.

If any of you have not written a review yet, it would make me very happy if you would!

Thank you for playing the game.
Well then, I hope you all have a good Halloween!