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  3. Fabledom 1.0 - Dev Diary #1

Fabledom 1.0 - Dev Diary #1

Dear Princesses & Princes,

1.0 is coming on May 13 and we have been so excited to share the new content with you in detail. So, without further ado, let's get started!

[h2]🗿 Troll Invasions 🗿[/h2]

We have a new threat to our kingdoms, the trolls. Actually, to get them into the kingdom, the prerequisite is to build a Mystic Mine, which can help you to earn coins at the expense of the trolls' appearance. If you wanna get rid of the trolls, you know what to do! 😉

If you're willing to accept the challenge, the size of the troll invasions will depend on the amount of fortifications in your kingdom!

When a troll camp spawns, it will decrease the global happiness of your realm. If more active troll camps appear, the debuff value will increase! The only way to clear the debuff is to defeat the trolls!

New defensive weapons such as the Ballista, Cannon & Mortar will also be available! They're actually attached to the tower and each shot consumes 1 or 2 prismatic liquid, depending on the weapon that you're using!

[h2]🏹 New Army Management & Fortifications 🧱[/h2]

Fergus will now provide a buff to all fablings according to his level, that will let them carry more resources!

Once you build a Mystic mine, you unlock another new feature; "Fortification". The more walls, towers and defensive weapons you have, the higher the value gets. This means a few things:

  1. Bonus coin from Mystic mine is increased.
  2. Troll invasion sizes are increased.
  3. Rewards for defeating trolls are increased.

So, if you want higher bonuses and rewards, you need to take more risk!

[h2] 🌟 Fantastical Disasters 🌟[/h2]

[h3]🐲 Flying Dragon 🐲 [/h3]

Our fablings are so scared of the gigantic beast...

There will be special events where the dragon will spawn with a debuff for your Kingdom!

You can give it what it wants to make it leave, or attack it with your ballistas!

[h3]🔮 The 3 witches 🔮[/h3]

Like the dragon, they will spawn with debuffs to your realm! Spend your nobility to get them out of the door or ... take your time and make your decision!

[h2]💌 Start courting with the New rulers 💌[/h2]

[h3]🧰 Farrah, The Tinker Princess 🔨 [/h3]

Farrah, the Tinker Princess who has a passion for industry and production. Let's start developing a relationship with Farrah!

Build a Tinkers guild to speed up the production by giving the guild some particular resources!

You can also build a regenerator to regenerate resources in iron and stone deposits!

[h3]🗡 Sir Payne, the Dark Knight 🖤[/h3]

Sir Payne, a cold Dark Knight, who enjoys suffering ... The gift of coal will absolutely warm his dark heart.

By starting a relationship with Sir Payne, some courting gifts will be given! For example, the Strategic Council, where you can pay in coin and receive the Combat Intelligence buff, which reduces the health of all enemies by a percentage (depending on how much you invest)!

Also, Sir Payne will pay you for every fabling you imprison. It's up to you to decide who though!

[h2]🎭 New buildings 🎡[/h2]

In the 1.0, we also added a lot of new buildings for you to discover. It can take tons of resources to build a Mall, a Circus Tent, a Café, Arc of pigs or a Ferris Wheel... But at the end of the day, it's all about making your fablings happy!

It's not finished yet! We'll be showing more new buildings and decorations in the next Dev Diary!

Thanks for reading! We'll see you euhhh, probably next week maybe? Wishlist now and stay tuned!

With love,


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