1. PixelJunk™ Scrappers Deluxe
  2. News
  3. Introducing the Scrappers of Junktown!

Introducing the Scrappers of Junktown!

As we count down to the launch of PixelJunk Scrappers Deluxe on Steam next week (!!!), we'd like to take a moment to showcase some characters and weapons you will encounter along the way on your scrapping journey.


Let's start with the first character you unlock: Ichiro!

With the dress code being funky robots, Ichiro definitely got the memo. Look at him! He matched the color scheme of his outfit to the logo! How could it get any better than that? Admittedly, the chainsaw, torn sweatshirt, and the grumpy eyes are a little frightening, but we promise he's got a good heart.

Next is without a doubt the coolest guy around (Personal opinion): Tamotsu!

His face says it all. He's tired, burnt out, and doesn't want to be here. But the work he does is for the benefit of all. Construction is tough and often thankless, so make sure to thank Tamotsu when he hoists all that heavy trash into the truck for you. Also, he wears that cone like a king.

Now on to some of our favourite weapons!

The Shotgun deals AOE damage in the area in front of you, which is super useful for dispersing large crowds of enemy robots. However, it does have limited ammo, so it takes a second to reload once it's used up.

The Chainsaw does more damage the longer you shred an enemy with it. Be careful not to get hit from behind!

The Boxing Gloves are fast, strong and a super quick way to send otabots flying! The knockback they deliver to enemies is incredibly useful when surrounded.

PixelJunk Scrappers Deluxe comes out next week on July 27th, so make sure to add us to your wishlist to get notified when it's available to play! There'll be more posts like this leading up to the release, so keep your eyes peeled!

Scrappers Team