1. Dungeons of Aether
  2. News
  3. Patch 1.15 - New Game+ and Russian Localization

Patch 1.15 - New Game+ and Russian Localization

We're bringing you a small patch today with a couple new features, including a new game+ mode for players who want to find all the collectables or revisit chapters after beating the game.

  • New Game+
    If you have beaten Greed, you can now use the save file to instantly move to any chapter, keeping your items and town upgrades. This allows to collect missed journal entries, as well as to absolutely obliterate all the enemies with your high-level characters!
  • Russian translation added in language options.
  • Fixed bug that caused you to be unable to access the "friends" tab in leaderboards.

As always, please let us know if you run into any issues and we'll do our best to get them fixed.