1. Kingdom of Atham: Crown of the Champions
  2. News
  3. Update - v1.0.4

Update - v1.0.4

Please don't forget to close/open Steam to make sure update is grabbed.


-Added more no mounting zones around portal areas, to prevent some crashes?
-Added FPS option to graphics menu can be set between 30 and 120. Make sure your machine can handle it default is 60.
-Added an additional check for ignore actors hoping it will fix summon issues.
-Added Gripbook, The Banker in Minorith that sells Pure(ish) Mystical Nuggets for 1k, 5k 10k (so players can trade gold to friends by buying items).

-Adjusted mount drop rates from a 5%-10% range too 1% all around.
-Adjusted how things are sold in an attempt to fix the rarity bug.

-Fixed player level not showing in Co-oP Servers for groups.
-Fixed player spamming message when things are summoned.
-Fixed AI not damaging on projectiles or certain skills.
-Fixed summons not damaging on certain attacks or spells.
-Fixed build limit notification.
-Fixed dragon summon to stay on ground instead of float.
-Fixed some collisions blocking certain area ( keep posting these with screenshots!).

-Tweaked crab and boar ranges for vision to be lower by 90%. Yay still aggro but not unless you run into it :slight_smile:
-Tweaked lootable chests not to provide loot directly on load. It will take roughly 5 minutes for loot is generated. This will prevent save load spam for chests.
-Tweaked some of the visually impairing skills to be more see through.
-Tweaked description of quests to be more accurate.
-Tweaked player dropped bags to have the players name on the bag.
-Tweaked how towers check who and what to fire at.
-Tweaked max sell amount to 99, and max fill in amount to 99 to prevent player crashing.
-Tweaked durability to go 50% slower on all weapon items.
-Tweaked hotbar weapon logic trying to fix the hotbar bug.
-Tweaked how save load worked for the hide helm and hide cape functions.
-Tweaked co-op save to try and allow for adjusting settings on fly or keeping old settings.
-Tweaked reaper skeletons to have half the life of the summoner summons due to being able to get up to 5 skeletons.
-Tweaked damage output from bombs.


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