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  2. News

Warriors of the Nile 2 News

Version 1.2026 Updates

Version 1.2026
- Modified the coverage of "Elite Training", Pharaoh summoning generals can also take effect now;
- Modified the timing of "Dagger Storm" from the beginning of the turn to the effective time of the attack;
- Revised the effective restrictions for "Dispatch", and there are no restrictions for once in each level now;
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the problem that the attribute recollection timing of "Eagle Handler" is incorrect when using the special move;
- Fixed the inaccurate timing of the "Black Sword";
- Fixed the bug that effect of "Reinforcements" would incorrect caused by canceling miracles;

Warriors of The Nile2 is 20% off now to celebrate the launch on Nintendo Switch

We're thrilled to announce that the Nintendo Switch version of Warriors of the Nile2 is available now!
So we open a 2-weeks discount with 20% off!!

Thank you for all of your support!

Version 1.2022 Updates

Version 1.2022
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the incorrect description of "Falcon Storm"
- Fixed the incorrect results when the "Sun Warrior" launched a miracle under certain circumstances
- Fixed the incorrect display content on the right information bar under certain circumstances;

Version 1.2017 Updates

Version 1.2017
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed the bug that “Lion Fighter” could cause the game stuck under certain circumstances;
-Fixed the bug that enemies killed by “Whirlwind” could not recover their energy under certain circumstances;
-Fixed the casting priority problem of “Art of Magic”;
-Fixed the bug that the constraint conditions of “Star Rain” becoming invalid under certain circumstances;
-Fixed the bug that the execution result of “Twin Moons” is incorrect under certain circumstances;
-Fixed some mistakes in translation;

Version 1.2016 Updates

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that “King Punch” would skip the first round of the battle under certain circumstances;
- Fixed a bug that the damage type of “Star Rain” is incorrect;
- Fixed the problem that "Cleansing Staff" and “Commander” could not be triggered correctly if you had both;
- Fixed a bug that “Rapid Assault” some slates conflict with equipment;
- Added new hints for the Final Battle;
- Fixed some translation mistakes;
- A large amount of text display have been polished and corrected;