1. Broken Alliance
  2. News
  3. Broken Alliance DevLog 1: we totally know what we're doing

Broken Alliance DevLog 1: we totally know what we're doing

Hi everyone!

Oak from Placeholder Gameworks here. I'm going to try and post more about how the game is going in the coming weeks, months, seasons, and such.

Lately we've been working a lot in the combat section of the game, and earlier this year, we made a pretty big step of going for a deckbuilding style combat.

We haven't nailed down how it will work exactly yet, but day by day we're getting closer to figuring it out. We're also trying it out in the engine (which totally works)

ok maybe it doesn't totally work yet. BUT WE'RE GETTING THERE!

The goal this week is to have the combat in such a shape that we could show it off at a private demo event this weekend, and after that we want to work on a more public demo, something that y'all can try out yourselves, too ^_^

And it turns out that we're going to be at Gamescom! Somehow. And maybe you can even play a demo of Broken Alliance there >_>

...only time will tell.

So, if you like what you see, please do wishlist and follow to keep up with our progress!

Till next time!

Much love,