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  3. Broken Alliance at the Storyteller Festival!

Broken Alliance at the Storyteller Festival!

Hello everyone!

Oak here, pleased to bring you some MUCH NEEDED updates! The past *checks notes* quite many months, we have been hard at work to try and finish up the game. We're still a ways away from it, but we are hoping to get a playable demo soon (tm). Hopefully we will have something to share in that regard already next month!

We have been cordially invited to participate in the Storyteller's Festival, so you can see our previous game Death and Taxes, and our other upcoming game CraftCraft around a fair bit. Do give us a wishlist and a follow to stay up to date with interesting stuff going on (the upcoming demo probably being the *most* interesting thing of them all.

Meanwhile I'm happy to show you some more cool art from Broken Alliance ^_^

Here's some concept art for another Faction we have in the game, called Forge:

These folks are extremely tech savvy, and have decided to try and ascend as much as possible into organic-mechanical hybrids, elevating their abilities, but sacrificing their natural evolution in the process.

You might recognize this lil' fella, the Chrysalis, from some of our earlier art!

They're fluffy, but deadly.

Welcoming you to the Paradise faction, we have Pico, one of the most illustrious Herbal Doctors of the history of the clans. Don't worry, they're friendlier than they look. Maybe.

And finally, one of my favourite Champions in the game, who you will also be able to meet and recruit: Yorick the Elden Hog!

And yes, Yorick do go fast, if the need arises.