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Drug Dealer Simulator 2 News

Let’s rave! New music preview

K. Pietras is at it again! There’s new music, and it’s a banger.

Wanna rave with us? Here’s a preview:


The preview contains four different tracks:
Pssst Police 2

And if you want to listen to the full tracks, visit K. Pietras’ YouTube channel. You won’t be disappointed!


Exclusive IGN combat trailer!

Yo dealers! Did you notice that IGN posted our Very Exclusive and Very Cool™ combat trailer?

Take a looksie:

Where would you like to see us next?
Daily Bugle?
National Geographic?


Is it a SALE? It May Bee…

A little bee told us it May be the time for a spring discount! 🌷

The little bee is very charismatic and so there it is: DRUG DEALER SIMULATOR is now discounted for a whole week!

Check out our sale and grab yourself the game if you don’t have it yet. Or if you want to give a game to your friend, the little bee will be very happy about too 🐝


High time to check out music production!

LeLeLe 2.0 is a banger, is it not? But how was it made?

Well, if you ever wondered how music production for indie games looks behind the scenes, we have something for ya!

Join the DDS2 dev team (Big Boss Rafal, wahoo!) on their journey to the Nonagram recording studio in Cracow where they’re gonna bring new tracks and game sounds to life.

Ready? Let’s jam!


What's to come? Here's the PLAN


Now you know that DDS2 is going to release on 20 June 2024. Wait, you don't know? In this case CHECK THIS POST.

There's a certain amount of time between now and the release date. In this window, we want to keep you both informed and entertained. And so we've prepared a PLAN of fun things to come!

Check it out, follow us on Steam (and wishlist the game), and get ready to start dealing!
