1. Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque
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  3. Fursan al-Aqsa won the Best Hardcore Game Award!!!

Fursan al-Aqsa won the Best Hardcore Game Award!!!

Fursan al-Aqsa won the Best Hardcore Game Award!!!


I can't believe!

My indiegame Fursan al-Aqsa, proudly powered by Unreal Engine, received the Award of Best Hardcore Game on the Game Connection America Awards!

This is a realization of a long life dream of mine, and today I feel like "Mission Accomplished"!

It is an amazing feeling to have this recognition for a game, a dream of a whole life for me, a work which I spent sleepless nights working on it, a game which I have been working since 2009.

Despite all the political "controversy" around my game, but, on it's core, Fursan al-Aqsa stands on its own as a game that brings a brand new perspective in videogames, a perspective never portrayed before in shooter games. And this new and fresh perspective pleased too many gamers on Steam, who were bored with the traditional USA Super Hero killing Arabistan Terrorists.

My closing words are that video games are indeed a form of art which can be used to tell histories, and as so, art must never be censored, rather, everyone has rights to show their own perspectives...

Watch the original video here: