1. SunnySide
  2. News
  3. Sparky Makeship Campaign is NOW LIVE!

Sparky Makeship Campaign is NOW LIVE!

Hey SunnySide Friends!

You may have noticed that we've been sharing some fun pictures across social media, and we're excited to announce that you'll be able to pre-order your very own Sparky Plushie right now!

[h2]Pre-Order your Sparky Plushie[/h2]

We've partnered up with our friends at Makeship to make this Sparky plushie happen, and the campaign will only run for 21 days, so be sure to get your order in fast! If you're not familiar with how Makeship works, it's similar to Kickstarter in that the plushies only get made if the campaign is successful. So we're counting on you, our INCREDIBLE community, to help get Sparky plush into the adoring hands of fans across the globe.

The community has been wanting plushies for SO LONG and we're super excited to finally give everyone a chance at having a Sparky companion IRL!
