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Warlordocracy News

Warlordocracy Early v14.8

Still haven't finished the Ch.3 party banter, but there is a new party member to recruit in Ch.3, Stringer the Bard, along with a new side quest. Also, new script command to prevent party members from dropping certain items (like their precious stash of booger sugar).

There are now playable instruments but they don't do anything yet besides play sounds. Gonna make a music minigame soon, along with a lockpicking and persuasion minigame, right after I finish Ch.3 party dialogue and romance.

Here are the 3 new recruitable party members in Chapter 3: Shale, Dustbiter, and Stringer.

Complete list of changes:

-New party member in Ch.3: Stringer (sophisticated Izari bard).
-Randomly damaged all henchmen's weapons (making game a bit easier).
-Fixed bug where items always load with max health (despite random durability damage in INI scripts).
-Party checks script now automatically sets flee to 0% (fixing Dustbiter's AI in Ch.3).
-Dustbiter and small characters can now squeeze into holes for fast travel on same map.
-Script boolean "if_waiting" can now be used to test if map if currently transitioning.
-New script command: "cancelDrop" (used in drop script to prevent dropping an item).
-Improved some dialogue, more henchmen contracts given in Ch.3.
-Changed Shale's skills and abilities (now an agile fighter).
-Party banter scripts now run much more often.
-New voices: man13, man14.

Warlordocracy Early v14.7

Finished all main scripts in Ch.3, and I'll release it tonight after a few more hours of playtesting. I still haven't written any party banter or romance, but that will be patched in by Monday, along with a couple more side quests and probably a hundred bug fixes.

Lots of changes in the first two chapters. Since henchmen contracts play a major role starting in Ch.3, the required respect has been decreased by 20%. Bottom tier henchmen now only require 20% respect from their faction to summon.

Also, bomber boars have been added into Chapter 1, added a few script commands, and improved some scripts. Chapter 3 should be up in about 6 hours.

Complete list of changes:

-Fishing now disabled while swimming.
-Decreased required respect for all henchmen contracts by 20%.
-New script command: "deleteAllCorpse" to delete all mobile corpses on the map.
-New script command: "majorBattle" to start a major battle (no waiting or travel).
-New script boolean: "if_majorBattle" to test if major battle is currently happening.
-New script parameter for "if_objPos" booleans: set to "max" to test against map size.
-Bird AI now checks if they are at the edge of map and makes them move away from edge.
-Mobiles now cancel destination when inflicted with immobile condition (clamp traps).
-Placed a couple bomber boars in Whispering Way (in Ch.1).
-New object: ancient relays (defend in Chapter 3 finale).
-Decreased value of meadow berries from 3 to 2.
-Updated manuals.

Warlordocracy Early v14.6

Fixed a ton of little bugs and added a bunch of new features for Ch.3, coming in 4 days.

The plan is now to have 5 chapters in the main story instead of 6. This way the player won't get too overpowered, and the game can leave early access much sooner.

I'm gonna save the snow chapter for an optional DLC set 25 years after the main story. You will be able to import your party, but everyone will look older with white hair, and skills will all be decreased by 1 (except Education). The first 5 chapters will have a completely solid ending, so the 6th will be totally optional.

Complete list of changes:

-Message now displayed when party member spots a concealed object.
-Blacksmith characters in Chapters 1+2 can now repair your metal weapons.
-Combat music now plays when fighting either of the final bosses of Chapter 2.
-Messages+sounds for obtaining items no longer played when mobiles are spawned in scripts.
-Window text wrap now goes an additional 100 pixels on normal resolution (allowing more text).
-Fixed bug where mobiles could learn abilities twice if not in party (taking up two slots).
-Fixed bug where AI was targeting objects that were phased out (bats during daytime, etc.).
-Fixed bug with setting screen scene image to "none" (forgot to update HUD automatically).
-Fixed bug with count parameter in "objGive" script command and keeping object selected.
-Fixed bug where mobiles would cancel target if hit with arrow and arrow spawns at feet.
-New items: lute, harp (playable with Sophistication ability, no practical uses yet).
-Updated chapter screens (now only 5 chapters planned for main story).
-Credits no longer play on quitting, now viewed in Documents section.
-Leapers (frog baddies in Ch.3) now have 25% Evasion.
-New Sample Party (suitable for Chapter 2).

Warlordocracy Early v14.5

Beefed up the Power Cleave ability since axes are so slow. Removed the Boat Owner reputation from Ch.2 (Iole now just sells you a paddle so you can use the rowboat for cheap). More guards now spawn if you go for the secret ending in Ch.2. Added some new resources for Ch.3, which is coming in 10 days.

Gonna upload the new Ch.3 Alpha to Patreon in a minute: https://www.patreon.com/lcsoftware


Complete list of changes:

-Finished raft script for Ch.3.
-Updated names of Chapters 1+2 (showed in screen PNGs only).
-Small pause window is no longer displayed behind messages at top of screen.
-Six more guards now spawn at Jadenbury Bridge if Asemius is assassinated in Ch.2.
-Removed Boat Owner rep in Ch.2, Iole now just sells you a paddle for 10 wealth.
-Made Power Cleave ability much more powerful, because axes are slow.
-Expanded Chapter 3 Alpha (for Patrons), updated manuals.
-Fixed sprite for table2 so it can go against walls.
-New characters: Lars, Ragtop, Jawala (for Ch.3+4).
-New voices: woman13, woman14 (for Ch.3+4).