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Space Trash Scavenger News

Hotfix 0.408


Due to popular demand, I've added merger conveyors. These allow you to merge conveyor item streams more easily. And I made some other tweaks and fixes. I'll add this tech to the major update post also.

Note: I've had two of reports of old saves failing to load since the Automation update. Unfortunately, those affected did not leave a contact email or come to Discord to share the save, so I can't fix it. I'd love to fix it, so please do drop by Discord or file the bug with a contact email. Apologies if you were affected - these things can happen in Early Access, but I am sure it will be a quick fix and it appears to be rare. Thanks.

Build 0.408

-Added merger conveyors! Added 3 new conveyor types that allow you to convey forward while also merging streams from the left, right or both sides
-Increased conveyor check rate, re-enabled entry collisions and added failed pick up time out to attempt to prevent occasional cubits being picked up.
-Standardise collider size of objects when conveyed to prevent errant behaviour on larger items
-Fix conveyor move bug preventing items without box colliders such as some hull trash and entity cores not being conveyed
-Fix small gap that appears in rock face at the exit of mine shaft room E1
-Fully grown crops will not display water bar in error

Automation and Rig Pilot Update

Note: If you are loading an old save, your machines will need to be turned on as the game now saves on/off states of machines and they will defaults to off on first load with this system

Hi All

I’m really happy to set the Automation and Rig Piloting update live today.

We’ve had 50 odd updates since launch (including the experimental branch), some very big, some smaller. This is one of the bigger, if not the biggest, so I’ve tagged it a major update.

I’ve been taking all your feedback from in game (via pressing F1) and have been updating these aspects of the game to make it a more versatile factory game and to improve the rig piloting experience.

Overall, you now have more flying and refuelling options, more automation options and the ability to automate the output of your factories by selling from your rig using the AutoSeller.

These updates have been tested over on the experimental branch for some time, and I really want to thank everyone who has been helping with that process! I couldn’t be improving or fixing the game without your dedication and assistance testing, especially with these very complex factory systems operating over 3D spaces.

There’s too much to summarise in text, so I’ve listed the primary changes since 0.387 below (minus some of the many interim details along the way).

During Early Access, my plan has always been to build from the “ground up”, so much of the time I’ve been fixing any remaining issues and problems with the existing games since launch, and in this case, helping the features reach their potential.

The coming updates are going to build and extend on some other aspects of the game, and I’m pretty excited to move on to those, so I hope you stick around to see what’s next!

Finally, big thanks to those of you who chose to leave the game positive reviews on Steam. It really helps small indie devs like us (there are 2 of us making this). Overall it’s going to help us continue to improve this game and maybe keep making games in the future too.



-Added a functional Order Number slider to machines. Eg. set Biotanks etc to make X number of algae, and no more, via a slider. Or leave at max for endless production (which was formerly how they always worked). Note, if you set an order number for a machine, it will only take the cubits is needs for the order when sent to it. Anything excess will overflow. This gives more leeway and control for automation.
-Added machine overflow. If a machine receives an item or cubit it doesn't need for the current craft target, it overflows it out the front. This means you can chain together factory things more easily.
-Numerous improvements to conveyor behaviours across 3D layouts.
-Show "stop after" slider on factory machines. This is a new slider visible when you open a machine. It allows you set a target amount of items to craft for any factory style machine. If you do this and it has completed it's target, any input it receives will be fed forward as throughput, and spat out as an overflow. In this way you may be able to set up more complex chains of machines and set targets ad hoc, especially if you use conveyors to loop back ingredients onto machine(s). If you leave this slider untouched the machines behave as normal.
-Machines now output any items or ingredients that are input into them, that they do not currently need for the recipe you have them set to, if you have set or they have carried out a target/"stop after" order. In this way it opens up way more possibilities for chaining together machines with disparate recipes or that require something from another machine. You might find conveyor pads are not needed as much in production.
-Conveyors act on items should you wish to automate storing output from fabricator
-Factory uses 120 u/s power (not 80 u/s).
-Assembler does not make sensor 2 (this was a mistake, only factories do now)
-Autofiller and drone pad does not pick up or move active drones, only act on inactive (dropped) drones.
-Shrink trash more to prevent erroneous pick up from adjacent conveyor pads for large items
-Autostorage will not pick up own item.
-Autostorage won't pick up items being Trash-tored.
-Trash-tor wont pick up items being conveyed during a (typically) vertical exterior corner transition (or for 1 second after dropped by conveyor).
-Incubators do not fill all slots with one item, they will stop taking more when they reach any max stack and overflow it instead. This means they will leave space for the second ingredient if it comes.
-Trash-tor beams now also act as conveyors so you can string them together as per popular demand.
-Trash-tor beam will not immediately operate on output items from incubator or atomiser or fabricator, allowing time to be conveyed or stored.

[h2]New tech[/h2]
-Added new AutoSeller machines box. This is like an AutoStorage, but insta-sells any stock item it receives on input (or if you put items in manual and press Process button). Note it can only receive sellable stock items.
-Added Even Splitter conveyor type - takes one item and sends it left, takes the next one and sends it right, repeats.
-Added corner splitters. Popular request, send items around corners on one cell.
-Added Fuel Silo. You can now fuel thrusters from a fuel silo at one point. Fuel is shared across thrusters. As a point of note, fuel is also automatically shared between all thrusters by default. But the fuel silo allows you to place it anywhere and refuel from that location easily too, for example next to your rig control unit or storage areas, rather than climbing out back to the thrusters.
-Added New Thrusters 1, 2 and 3 with increasing force, fuel will go to most powerful first
-Added New AutoStorage 1, 2 and 3 with increasing size
-Added merger conveyors! Added 3 new conveyor types that allow you to convey forward while also merging streams from the left, right or both sides

[h2]Rig Piloting[/h2]
-Added mass to floor and machines. This mass is shown in the object structure tool tip. Cubes are 1 tn, floor is 0.2 tn, machines are 0.5 tn. Existing Rigs may now need more powerful thrusters as a result to move! It just made sense for everything to have a mass.

[h2]New graphics and load options[/h2]
-new options in Options > Graphics
-FPS limiter in graphics options. If you toggle of v-sync, you can set many manual fps you wish up to 300 fps. This is for those who disable v-sync but find their cards running the game a 300 fps or more, causing the fans to kick in when not needed. Now you have full control over your fps.
-Enabled windowed mode toggle. You could always toggle from window to full screen by pressing alt-enter. Now you can do it in the graphics options using this check box.
-Improved load game drop down folder expansion design. All save are now in their own "folder" in game. The top most item is just the world name, when you expand it, it then lists the possible saves, including a clear label for the latest, then autosaves and back ups below. This should fix those rare cases where users misunderstood the save system or failed to grok the autosave and manual save backup history.

-Hotbar indicator outline so visible when looking at sun
-Number of items picked up are correctly denoted in HUD when picking up a stack
-Added new rig pilot crosshair HUD to show rig mass, number thrusters active and thruster fuel

-Updated mining drill collider, so do not get stuck on invisible collider on some mining drills
-Updated conveyor T splitter textures to more clearly show they only split off left or right and have no left right throughput.
-When standing on the seam between floors, gravity behaves as expected
-Only show jump warnings on first map. This was really just causing player to remain on one sector too long. TFor the best experience you need to keep moving forward to experience more of the possibility space in the proc gen environments, and to avoid running out resources and starving.
-Fix hatch trash saving. If you pop a hatch and save/load, this will be preserved (exact positions on mining asteroid exteriors may alter but numbers will be conserved). Exact positions will be preserved inside ships.
-improved level of detail pop-in for mining trash
-Farming not agriculture in labelling quadrant
-Do not show crop water bar on load if fully grown
-Update assembler description to remove sensor 2.
-Standardise output rotation of items to prevent occasional clipping for larger items
-Do not spawn ship interiors on ship LPM boundaries by applying small sphere check at spawn point, preventing occasional invisible walls in ship interiors
-Drone masts can only be placed on asteroids (use drone pads on your rig), now have warning on placement
-Increased turret range
-When dropping items via dragging item off the inventory to the side of the screen, you can now split and drop, take account of whether splitting or halving stacks in amount dropped
-Using Drop button in inventory rather than dragging an item to drop it resets the source inventory cell, removing element labels correctly
-Reduced price drops on item sale
-Many other minor bug fixes along the way

Experimental branch Hotfix 0.392

Build 0.392
-Fix atomizers can now take any input via conveyors.
-Atomiser can now take dropped items.
-Factories will overflow the same amount of stacked item if they receive rather than incorrectly only outputting one of them.

Experimental branch Hotfix 0.391

Small but important Hotfix to the Experimental branch I mentioned last week:

Build 0.391:
-Atomisers can now pick up automatically
-Corrected factories to never pick up and overflow an item it just output, which was happening at certain rotations (causing the item to get stuck in a vibrating output loop on spawn)
-Corrected fuel silo recipe.

Thanks experimental branch testers!

Automation update is in experimental branch

Greetings Scavengers,

[h3]Call for Experimental Branch Testers[/h3]

I'm excited to say the first Major update, Automation and Rig Flight, is now live in the experimental branch. This brings a bunch of new tech, improvements to the automation side of the game and better thrusters and rig refueling mechanics. It's generally the best way to experience the game.

You can join the experimental branch with just 4 clicks from your Steam library. I explain how in the forum here.

If you'd like to see what changes are there, I list experimental updates in Discord in the update channel, to avoid update spam. Join our server here to find out more.

I'm going away for a week now, but I wanted to post this to let you know what is on the horizon, that more updates are coming, and that if you want to help out, joining the experimental branch should help me bring this into the main branch soon.

Finally, I just wanted to thank all of you who took the time to leave us a nice review on Steam. I read them all, good and bad, and it really means a lot to us.

Reading nice things keeps us happy and motivated and also, reviews actually make a big difference to how the game, and our micro-studio, does. Nice reviews are a great way of supporting both.

So thanks very much :) And if you enjoy the game, please do consider dropping a Steam review.

See you soon!

Al and Sarah

Edit. Please note, we have just uncovered a potential issue where the orientation of your rig after piloting may correct input output, so if you notice any strange results, keep that in mind in the experimental branch. The stable branch is unaffected.