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  3. Dev Diary - Earth

Dev Diary - Earth

Hello Enforcers!

We are happy to share our first content packed Superfuse Dev Diary! Today we’re going to be talking about the desolated world known as Earth!

In the wake of Earth's cataclysmic disasters, the wealthiest elite sought refuge among the stars, leaving the disheartened populace behind to grapple with the ruins of their once-thriving world. Amidst the crumbling remains of Earth, an unknown threat began to spread - the Corruption, plunging the remains of society into turmoil. With accusations of its origin flying in every direction, blame and distrust became currency in this fractured world, pitting neighbour against neighbour. To stem the tide of decay and restore a glimmer of hope, a bold initiative by the billionaires - now known as Genetically Optimised Directors (GODS) - birthed the Enforcer Program, a courageous group of superheroes determined to confront the Corruption head-on and protect the vulnerable.

But as the Enforcers continue their mission on Earth, they would soon uncover the darkest secrets behind the origins of the Corruption, revealing that the true battle for Earth's survival had only just begun.

During the development of Earth, we placed significant emphasis on creating distinct environmental contrasts, ensuring that each region offers a unique and captivating experience. Prepare to step into a world of desolation and hope, where your actions will shape the fate of this once-thriving world.

With our upcoming update, players will respond to a distress call from Earth originating from the post-apocalyptic town of New Eden. Moved by the plea for help, they embark on a courageous mission to aid the town's forgotten populace in their fight against Earth’s Corruption.

Upon reaching New Eden, players immediately face a harsh reality - the wastelands are not only plagued by the Corruption, but also infested with dangerous Raiders, who think of themselves as apex predators of humanity preying on what they perceive to be “weaker” Settlers. These cunning adversaries come in various types, each presenting unique challenges that demand specific approaches. In the upcoming section, we’ll give you a sneak peek of some of the dangers to come.

When creating Earth’s enemies our primary aim was to ensure their behaviour truly stood out from one another, making each encounter feel different from the last. As you venture into the barren world, you'll encounter a diverse range of adversaries, varying from colossal and highly menacing foes with more telegraphed attacks to agile, nimble Raiders who can strike you down in an instant.

Some of these enemies are not just seeking survival, but are eager to shred their way through the apocalypse, wielding guitars as their instruments of chaos! Prepare for an electrifying encounter with these audacious foes, who bring a whole new level of excitement to the wastelands by strengthening their allies with the power of heavy metal!

Thank you for joining us in today's dev diary! We hope you've enjoyed this deep dive, and we can't wait to have you with us on the next one.

See you soon, Enforcers!