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Shoot Trip Die News

Shoot Trip Die - 1 Year Anniversary

Hello everyone, been a while hasn’t it?

Yes, Shoot Trip Die has turned 1 Year old today! It’s crazy how time flies, it doesn’t feel like that much time has passed. This game has changed so much in a year, I’ve changed so much in a year! It’s crazy really!

Shoot Trip Die is such a personal piece for me, not only was it just me making my first commercial attempt at a game, but it was also me trying to capture my feelings and interest in a weird and experimental piece of art. For many, it’s just a simple shoot 'em-up rogue-lite in a sea of games with the same description, but for me, it feels like random pages ripped and cobbled together from the story of my life.

Shoot Trip Die was being made during a weird transitional period for me. It was a time between me understanding the trauma from childhood, and the fear of who I was becoming. A story of anger, regret, addiction, and isolation masqueraded behind a simplistic SHMUP with bright graphics and immature humor. This game is a part not only of me, but the culture I grew up around, and I hope I represented in a way those who get it, feel seen.

Leading up to the release of Shoot Trip Die, I held hope that maybe this would be my chance at making it big. But alas, it was not. Shoot Trip Die is still very much underground in not just the rogue-lite scene, but the indie game scene as a whole. But for everyone who believed in this project, who believed in me, through the ups and downs, changes and fixes, I thank you. For a game with no budget, a single developer, a shotty vision, and a rag-tag team of artists and musicians, it was a modest success! But as an adult and artist, it is hard for me not to compare myself to others who have taken similar roads to my own, feelings of inadequacy and embarrassment were par for the course when the flame for the game burned out quicker than expected. But as time went on, as I got better, as the game got better I realized that this was just the first step on the journey of my creative story. If younger me saw what I had done, I don’t think he would have believed it. I hope younger me is proud of me, I hope younger me knows I’m proud of him.

So, what now? Well, Shoot Trip Die is going to be getting more updates! In fact, a VERY BIG update is in the works right now! We tried to get it out for the 1 year anniversary but there were some bumps in the road that prevented that. I also say ‘We’ because folks from the STD and Newgrounds Community have stepped in to help on this next update, like I said, this will be a pretty big update that will not only enhance the game, but also usher in a new wave of fans! I hope you’re excited about that! Along with upcoming STD updates, I’m working on a new game! It’s still very early in development, but I’m working on a movement-heavy, retro platformer! A demo for the game came out in early 2023 and development has started on expanding the demo into a full game, can’t promise a release date yet, but I’ll let y’all know when a Steam Page is available for the game! ;)

If you are at all interested in keeping up with STD updates, or updates on this new platformer game, I strongly urge you to join my Discord Server or follow me on twitter, these are the best places to stay up-to-date!

Again, thank you EVERYONE who believed, played, and helped Shoot Trip Die. Lots of love from me, and Chester BoDean!
-Levi Ramirez

V. 1.1.0b Update

Hello! Hope you all are enjoying the update! This is nothing major, just a small patch to sand down some edges from yesterday's update! :-)

  • Fixed a problem with certain new items not appearing in the item compendium upon being collected.
  • Fixed a problem where the achievements for beating the game would trigger at the wrong time, the achievements have been removed and re-added. (Note : If you have beaten the game you can re-achieve this achievement by going to the stats screen in the extras menu.)
  • Fixed a problem where in Brutal mode, the 2nd casino would spawn the destroyed machine and not extra items.
  • Fixed slight item spawning problems.
  • Fixed a problem with the "fun machine" not properly finishing specific payout animations, leading to it getting stuck and unusable.

  • Made enemies in brutal mode drop less energy orbs upon death.
  • Made items in brutal mode slightly cheaper.

  • added an extra achievement! :-)

Hope you all have a BLESSED and STD FILLED day!

-Levi Ramirez

"Profile Error" fix

Why is this occurring?
  • This error is occurring because with the 1.1.0 update, STD went for using an older version of Nw.js, the browser emulator that allows STD to run as a .exe, in order to use steam integration as STD is made in Construct 2 which has not been supported since 2020. This error is the result of that, older versions ran on a newer version of Nw.js and thus is having conflicts (at least that is my understanding of it.)

Can I restore my save data?
  • Probably not, no.

How do I stop the "Profile Error?" (Windows)

  1. Press the Windows key, and type into the search bar "%localappdata%"
  2. When in this folder (User>Username>Appdata>Local) scroll down until you see a folder name "ShootTripDie" then click on it.
  3. From there, click on "User Data" and from there click on "default"
  4. Inside the "default" folder, scroll until you find a file titled "Web Data" Than delete this file. (Note: Doing this should also erase any pre-existing save data you have.)
  5. Restart your computer, make sure STD is update to the latest version, and you should be golden! :-)

Will this occur in the future?
I don't usually like to make promises I can't keep, but I see no reason to change versions AGAIN for Nw.js, and any future games I make in construct 2 for steam will use this same version, so I believe it should not! If a similar issue arises later down the line than try this process again!

I hope you found this helpful! If you have anymore questions feel free to ask them in the community tab and I'll try and get to them as quickly as possible! Thank you all so much
-Levi Ramirez

V. Update 1.1.0

Hello! It's been a while hasn't it? You may have thought all my words and promises were lies and jests, but I promise you they are not! So now here we are! Update 1.1.0, or "The Overdose Update!"

This is a pretty massive update, not only changing and adding things mechanically but also a lot of internal changes within the inner workings of the game itself... which may have led to some trouble.

to make a long story short, if you are someone who has owned the game before this update, your save data is most likely lost. Now I know that sounds bad... and it is... BUT! It was a sacrifice I believe was worth it! The reason this has happened is that I had to revert back to an older version of Nw.js (The browser emulator that allows STD to run as a standalone .exe) so that I could FINALLY add Steam integration, it took A LOT of digging through old forum posts and back websites but it has been done, something I thought would not be possible. Again, this will only affect those who installed version 1.0.9 and older, for all you new folks you shouldn't have any worries! For those people affected also, you will most likely notice an error that occurs when you start the game, I'll be posting a step-by-step tutorial of how to stop this error from appearing (it's as simple as deleting 1 file in your %localappdata% folder for Shoot Trip Die.)

I hope this hiccup won't turn you away from trying out the new update, as personally, I believe all the balances and new content will defiantly be worth it! so without further ado, here are all the changes listed below!


  • 'Guitar pick' no longer takes charges and can be used infinitely.
  • 'House key' now has an audio cue when used.
  • Retroactively changed most boards (most prominent in the 3rd and 4th dimension, less enemy spam overall.)
  • 'Grubbles' shoot less frequently.
  • 'Grubbles' move slightly slower and slightly less frequently.
  • Slightly changed 'Cumdrops' animation along with color pallet.
  • The enemy 'Blubber' has been moved to 'The Grongle Sweats' and has been visually overhauled.
  • The enemy 'Blubber's' name has changed to 'Muskmo'.
  • Slot Machine Payout for 'Charge' will instantly recharge the active item you holding (Upped from just 5.)
  • Slot Machine Payout for 'Charge' will no longer drop the max item charge number.
  • Slot Machine Payout for 'Reroll' will no longer reduce the price of an item on screen.
  • Slot Machines getting clogged no longer get added to your "Slots broken" counter, instead physically destroying them does.
  • The enemy 'Bulwark's Faith' has been removed.
  • The enemy 'Prophet' has had a big change in its behavior. It no longer heals enemies but rather periodically summons bulwark pulse rings. It also no longer does a flurry of attacks when all enemies on screen beside it have been killed. The Prophet, in most cases, has replaced the old enemy 'Bulwark's faith' on boards.
  • The boss 'Cumswamp' now only shoots 16 bullets instead of 24 after finishing it's spin attack.
  • Made 'Cumswamp' puke attack slower.
  • Changed 'Cumswamp' attack randomization. (Should heal back-to-back less frequently.)
  • Made 'Melvin's' Intro Speech louder.
  • Made the bullets during 'Melvin's' absorb attack much slower but accelerate at a quicker rate, allowing for players to better dodge the attack.
  • Made 'Melvin's' intro bullet storm shoot much fewer bullets. (only a single ring of 24 bullets)
  • Made 'Mevlin's' Screen dash attack has a louder audio cue along with a proper visual cue.
  • Slightly altered 'Melvin's' normal bullet spread attack pattern.
  • Increased the number of places 'Melvin' can spawn bones during his 2nd phase.
  • Lowered 'Melvin's' HP from 240 to 160.
  • Increased Melvin's Boss Armor strength.
  • Changed 'Melvin's' attack randomization. (Harder attacks should happen less often)
  • The enemy 'Maskmer' now ignores invincibility frames, and will teleport you in the instant it touches you.
  • The enemy 'Mevlin's Sigil' has been visually overhauled, along with getting its name changed to 'Cucuy'
  • The bloating bullets spawned by 'Junkster's' swell and then explode much faster.
  • The enemy 'Wage Cuck' no longer gains stage HP.
  • The item "Wrench" will no longer reduce the price of an item.
  • Brutal mode no longer speeds up enemies and enemy bullets.
  • Healing Tomatoes no longer spawn in Brutal Mode.
  • Made crates 20% less likely to give coins on Brutal mode.
  • Brutal mode and Standard mode now share the same item prices, overall items have a cheaper base price but have a wider array of
  • price increases and decreases.
  • Changed some item descriptions in the Item Compendium screen.
  • Portraits of Chester that are flipping the bird add to the "birds flipped" counter.
  • Changed a handful of 'Bip Sez' phrases, all of them are of some use now.

  • Added 5 new items! See how they affect your next trips!
  • Added new monsters! Be wary of new threats on your adventure!
  • Steam integration! Open the Steam overlay! Take screenshots and share them from the game, and most importantly, achievements!
  • Slot Machines can now be fixed! When they are clogged, fire at it and knock it up right! You only have a few chances to fix it before it explodes, so be careful!
  • Blood donation machines can be drained! Want your health back? Keep shooting at it till it explodes into blood! For each tank filled you'll gain a heart back, but when it blows up don't expect to be able to use it anymore...
  • Blood Donation machines remember the blood you put in them between different casinos! Fill up just a little at a time to start and finish it off later!
  • New Casino layouts! destroying the machines inside casinos causes an item to take its spot! You'll still only be able to buy 1 item, but you'll have a much wider array of items to choose from!
  • Lots of new synergies!
  • New secret things! I won't tell you what they are, so go find them yourself! >:)

  • Fixed skipping the dimension transition screen too quickly would result in getting the same board to start the dimension.
  • Fixed misc. spelling mistakes
  • Fixed a bug where item and general progress weren't saved upon beating a run (Very cool bug.)
  • Fixed certain active items being able to be collected again if you are already holding them.
  • Fixed a bug where in certain menus, the menu music wouldn't loop.
  • Fixed a handful of soft locks.

  • Slot Machines and Blood Donation Machines will no longer appear in the final boss entrance.
  • Escape Sections from Nimiety boss fight have been changed.
  • Decreased Armor strength of Nimiety.
  • Slightly changed some of Niemety's attacks.

Long list right? Well, this was just a big "balancing" update, this barely scratches the new stuff I wanna add! Hopefully that will come around sometime in the winter months, but for now, enjoy the new feel of this update! If you need any help feel free to make a post in the community tab, and I wanna see some cool gameplay moments so make sure to post some screenshots and captures and whatnot! Until next time!

-Levi Ramirez

V. Update 1.0.9

Now I know what your thinking

"Levi? Wasn't 1.0.8 the VERY LAST UPDATE for the summer? What is this?!"

Well... firstly why don't you mind your OWN BUISNESS! Secondly, I lied. But only because I totally forgot about the Steam Summer Sale event! It's happening! Wowza! and Shoot Trip Die will be on sale! A pretty big sale I might add, so if you have any friends or family who you think NEEDS some STD in there life, then tell them! Spread it like wildfire!

So as a little treat to y'all, and for the newcomers who will be coming in only a few days I believe, I made an update that added some quality of life stuff, bug fixes, tweaks and even some NEW CONTENT! Nothing huge, but it is fun!

So, what is it? Read Below!!!

  • You no longer have to wait for the win or lose animation of the slot machine to finish before you can continue to play it. (This However does not apply to the money jackpot, you must still wait for that animation to finish before you can play it again.)
  • The enemy 'Bully Baron' now does any of there 2 attacks much faster.
  • 'Wage Cucks' now gain stage HP, meaning they have much more HP in relation to where they are in the game.
  • In the minigame 'Gappy Fishing' you no longer gain an extra worm from getting the big bass, rather you get an extra worm from reeling in any fish with full power! (A full line up of double-exclamation points, or 6 '!').
  • Added a bonus in the minigame 'Gappy Fishing' that triggers when you collect all 4 different fish without failing any reels between each attempt.
  • Slightly changed where different fish can spawn in 'Gappy Fishing'
  • The final boss now has more HP throughout there multiple phases, fight should overall take longer and have parts of there fight be less likely to be skipped due to unexpected HP levels.
  • more sound effects added in 'Gappy Fishing'
  • Retroactively fixed some rooms for easier maneuverability, mostly in 'The Foul Domain.'

  • Added item descriptions to the Item Compendium! Confused on what an item you've picked up in a past trip does? Just select it with the spacebar and you can read all about it! You can only read about items you've found before, so the best way to learn what each item does is to just play around with them! and keep your eyes PEELED!
  • The Tips found on the dimension transition screen have been replaced with a new friend! Bip! He always knows just what to say, and will keep your heart in the game with his many quips!
  • Added a new 'Full House' Bonus to the 'Gappy Fishing' Minigame! Whenever you catch all 4 different fish without failing any casts or reels you are granted 500 extra bonus points!
  • Added scaling difficulty to 'Gappy Fishing' The more fish you catch, the harder it gets! Whenever you fail a cast or reel the difficulty lowers gradually.
  • A New Minigame! Ugby's Shooting Range! Play as the gun-slinging Ugby Mumba and fire at moving targets to get a highscore! For each bullseye you get, the more ammo you get in the BONUS ROUND! Big shoutout to Jack of the MilkBarLads in allowing me to use Ugby Mumba! Means a lot! :-D

  • Level generation should no longer be able to repeat the same room back-to-back. However, rooms may repeat in the same dimensions, they just won't do it directly after one another. There was a system originally set in place to prevent this but it now functions as intended!
  • Fixed a bug where killing the enemy 'Bully Baron' with kerosene before they had a chance to summon 'wage cucks' would cause you to softlock the board.
  • Fixed Multiple spelling mistakes.
  • Fixed a bug where you could save over your highscore in minigames if you exited in the middle of a game (If you had a saved highscore of 100, and your score in the game you just exited was 0, the lower score would overwrite the saved highscore.)
  • Fixed a bug where some instances of the enemy 'Grubble' were completely static.
  • Fixed a bug where some instances of the enemy 'Shadow' did not sway as intended.

Okay, for real this time! No more content updates until fall! I'm 100% serious this time! This is 1.0.9, the last of the 1.0s... next update will be something along the lines of 1.1.x! I can't make a 1.0.10, that looks weird!!!

This update was basically just so I can take advantage of the summer sale. More people are gonna get there eyes on this, and I want to enhance there experience even if just slightly! More eyes means more fans which means more motivation for me to add content!!! And more content is for sure on the way!

So this fall, prepare yourself for...

The Minigame Update (name pending)

-Levi Ramirez