1. Fuchian Chronicles
  2. News
  3. Pre-Release Update 3

Pre-Release Update 3

Hello everyone, and welcome to what should be the final update prior to Fuchian Chronicle’s full release! This will be a text heavy one so please bear with me here.

I’ve fixed all the issues I mentioned in the previous updates, and addressed another one of the major complaints that I got:


New walking animations! This was an issue that was first brought up near the start of development, and I thought I had fixed it with a sprite update. The feedback I got however, made it clear that the lackluster animation hadn’t been adequately addressed. I hope that this new update goes further towards fixing that issue.

Now I’m back to adding new content to the game and playtesting to make sure everything is in order. I’ve already showed most of the new stuff I’m adding in the previous updates, but there is one thing I’m taking out: selectable battlemodes. The main reason for this is that the Action Time Battle (ATB) mode simply looks too unpolished, especially with how barebones the enemy ATB gauges looks and how it doesn’t line up with the enemy when the camera moves. If there’s one takeaway I got from all the feedback I got, it’s that looking unpolished is a big red flag. I’m fully aware that there are other parts of Fuchian Chronicles that look unpolished, but many of those cannot be feasibly fixed at this point. I can improve polish by removing ATB mode though, and so I’m doing that, and setting Conditional Turn Based (CTB) mode as the only battle mode. I don’t know how much being able to change battle modes affects your enjoyment of Fuchian Chronicles, but I hope you can see my reasoning and thank you for understanding.

The Steam store page is in need of serious overhaul as well. All the screenshots and trailers need replacing, I’ll need to rewrite the introduction blurb and some of the descriptions, and I’m even looking into getting a brand new logo for Fuchian Chronicles. I am taking new screenshots and recording clips as I playtest (and I’m sharing them on my Twitter/X @ShenTzuGames), but I’m in the slightly awkward position where Fuchian Chronicles is purchasable and playable while the new screenshots aren’t reflective of the current published version of the game. Because of this, I’ve decided to hold off on publishing any changes to the store page until final release so anyone who buys the game now will get what was advertised. As stated before, the price will not increase upon final release, but as a matter of disclosure, Fuchian Chronicles is part of the Steam Spring Sale, which will likely have a larger discount than the launch discount. If you’d like to hold off on buying/playing Fuchian Chronicles until final release, I’d completely understand and even encourage you to do so if you’re not satisfied with what you’ve seen in my updates.

So when is final release? Barring any major set-back or unforeseen circumstances, Fuchian Chronicles will come out of Early Access on April 19th, 2024! It’s been a long road, longer than I anticipated (but that’s how things are sometimes), and I thank you for your support thus far. I’m looking forward to finishing Fuchian Chronicles, and hope you will enjoy the game!

- ShenTzu