1. Cyclone
  2. News
  3. Cyclone - Update

Cyclone - Update

Back in the last update, Cyclone adopted to raw mouse input for mouse look. Upon receiving customer feedback, it was clear that the calculation wasn't responsive. This update changes the mouse aim back to relative movement. It's recommended you delete Config/useractioncontroller.json and revert to the game to use the default settings.

Huge thanks to awk for assisting with this!

Changes in this update are:
  • Reverted back to relative mouse movement and adjusted the calculation. (Your current mouse sensitivity settings might need to be changed.)
  • Added more range to the mouse sensitivity slider. (Both in-game and within actionmapper)
  • Added a clear button for each action in actionmapper.
  • Added DPI window scaling support for actionmapper.
  • Aim sensitivity is reduced to 25% when zoomed in.
  • Fixed vsync setting not being applied after restarting.
  • Removed the 120fps frame cap.
  • Minor adjustments in Crash Course 17.
  • Fixed being stuck in at half speed after respawning being crouched.