1. Great Houses of Calderia
  2. News
  3. Hotfix Patch Note — (b14095445)

Hotfix Patch Note — (b14095445)

A new hotfix [ (b14095445)] is now live with the following changes:

  • Can’t drag icon in Rank Selection
  • Attacking stationary bandits caused interruptions in other delegations
  • Replaced development text
  • After wedding characters are shown as not married
Known Issues
  • Some siege events may incorrectly refer to ‘bandits’ in their text
  • Ranged units show ranged animations while in melee
  • UI scaling might cause some buttons to go outside the screen on some resolutions. To fix this, adjust the UI scaling percentage in Video Settings.
  • Character customization images might fail to load occasionally. The UI still works, and reopening the menu sometimes fixes the issue.

- Great Houses of Calderia Team -