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  3. Ronny's House Update

Ronny's House Update

Highlighted Features
1. Added Angus McBangus Café tier 3 franchise variant
2. Added new events to Angus McBangus and new variant
3. Added General Manager franchise perk - Auto completes queue

Balance Changes
1. Reduced cost of firing employees
2. Reduced cost of amazone box
3. Reduced cost of some franchise perks
4. Increased starting money on "Rebirth"
5. Slight buff to all profits

General Changes
1. Made event option coins smaller and text larger
2. Added notifications when stands are ready to collect
3. Collect all button only shows when able to collect stands
4. Add item counter to events

Bug Fixes
1. Updated franchise perk text issues
2. Fixed achievement tracking issues
3. Fixed buff expiring crash
4. Attempt to fix timer breaking into seconds