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  3. Hotfix Patch Notes v0.5.5

Hotfix Patch Notes v0.5.5

Change log: version 0.5.5 (Build 33)
  • Adjusted pricing to what we initially intended: a mistake in the previous update had set the selling prices of everything to only a quarter of what was intended, and it has now been corrected.
  • Adjusted the purchasing price of fences, making them quite cheap now.
  • Fixed a bug where all crops would not grow and houses reverted to being under construction when entering Year 2.
  • Fixed a bug where crops would not progress through their growth stages correctly in some cases (when correctly, it should only take 4 days for crops to mature).
  • Adjusted the crafting recipes for all Tools, which were previously temporary and are now almost final.
  • Fixed a bug where the cooking screen did not display the correct quantity of ingredients and the Cook button did not reflect whether cooking was possible.
  • Fixed the absence of houses to choose from in the House Assignment screen.