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  2. News
  3. [Event Result] Ecclesia's Ghost Leg Event

[Event Result] Ecclesia's Ghost Leg Event

Dear CEOs,
The event results for Ecclesia's Ghost Leg is in!

The alphabet that got the most votes from the event was the first “E,” which resulted in…!

3,000 info!

The event reward will be sent via in-game mail!

Thanks to everyone for participating in the Ghost Leg event and we will be back with more fun events!


  1. Participants may vote only once.

  2. The event reward will be given to you via in-game mailbox.

  3. Deletion of reward mail for not receiving the mail on time is not recoverable. (The mail will expire in 7 days from when it was sent.)

  4. Any content not stated here follows CounterSide’s Terms of Service, Operating Policy, and Event Policy.