1. Quilts and Cats of Calico
  2. News
  3. The cats turn 5 weeks young - we’ve created an accolades trailer to celebrate!

The cats turn 5 weeks young - we’ve created an accolades trailer to celebrate!

[h2]Hi there, Quilters![/h2]

[h3]It’s been 5 weeks since the release of Quilts and Cats of Calico. It’s also been a fun ride for us and we hope playing the game has been fun for you. We know we thanked you time and time again, but this email is us saying thank you again. Part of this is because we feel you deserve it, and additionally, we wanted to share something with you.

First of all, we’re extremely grateful for the Steam reviews that appeared on the game’s store page after our last message. At the moment of us writing this, the game sits at over 200 reviews and a fantastic 95% positive review rate. We know this is thanks to your efforts and we appreciate that a LOT! We couldn’t be happier about how well the game’s been received, but that doesn’t mean we’re done - we’ll keep doing our best to work on the rough edges and improve the experience.

Speaking of reviews and opinions, there have been some in particular that caught our attention and made us feel warm and fuzzy inside. Some are written by gaming outlets, while others - you guessed it - were written by you! What we did is rounded up some of our favorites and put together an accolades trailer. Take a look:[/h3]


[h3]That being said, if you want your opinion to be seen but still haven’t posted a review, please do so - we (and the cats, too, surely) would be grateful if you did!

We hope you enjoyed it and we also hope you continue to enjoy playing Quilts and Cats of Calico. We can’t wait to share what’s next for the game, but for today, that’s all we wanted to say.

Stay tuned for more, stay safe and cozy, and give a hug to your cat for us! 😸[/h3]