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Havendock News


- Display warning popup if 'Mouse to Move' is enabled on the first fresh save
- Fix missing textures on Boathouse
- Fix missing face textures on Kewi Birds
- Fix Nan% happiness
- Fix miscellaneous buildings unable to be selected/deleted
- Fix issue where ghost buildings collide with player
- Fix 'Debug Respawn' not working if character falls at high speed

It's Spring Sale time!

[h2]Hey, Settlers![/h2]

Lately we’ve been working hard on the 1.0 stuff (everyone who participated/was willing to participate in our conversations – THANK YOU 💙).

While we're busy with that, we have exciting news: Havendock is now available at 30% off for Steam Spring Sale, happening from March 14th to March 21st 🌼

Have a cozy spring season ✨

— Alex, Community Developer from Different Tales 🦆


Join the Havendock community:


- Added idle seagull count below idle settler count
- Seagull icons in Character Panel now change based on their rarity
- Parrots and Kewis now spawn at correct positions when loading savefile
- Added Kewis to characters window
- Birds now have names and are displayed in job panels and hover tooltips
- Parrot Houses and Kewi Nests now show and allow you to navigate to its assigned parrot
- Add seagull, kewi and bot count in Save/Load screen
- Bots with no power now play a depressed animation
- Bots with no unpowered AI Hubs play an even more depressed animation
- Desalination salt chance increased: 10% -> 50%
- Dragon boat no longer costs 2 slime armor

- Fixed unable to use boatyard in multiplayer (you may ride boats but boat visuals will appear awkwardly if two people ride at the same time)
- Added multiplayer error popup when host savefile is too big
- Reduced size of host file transferred to clients in multiplayer to reduce loading issues in multiplayer
- Fixed some errors causing inability to save in multiplayer

- Add 4th settler skin
- Research tree slightly changed to make space for future research branches
- Added moonpit and moonforge icons
- Increased fisherman dock chair size so characters don't float when sitting
- Increased clickable hitbox of Mother Kewi's Bird Nest
- Added new Mother Kewi interaction button to select her
- Made several internal changes to codebase for upcoming content
- Savefile maximum research increased: 128 -> 256

- Fixed visual error of flat farms on chicken coop decks
- Fixed seagull guidebook empty or displaying text improperly
- Fixed recharge station having 4 slots open by default
- Fixed staircase and grass patch not turning white when snowing

v0.71.6 - Owl and Kewi Masks

- Add Owl head head accessory for settlers with Night Owl trait
- Add Kewi head head accessory for settlers with Morning Lark trait
- Fixed debug > respawn not spawning you on main dock

This was meant to be a minor patch to fix the respawn bug but I threw in some extra stuff I was working on: Settlers with the morning lark and night owl traits were difficult to identify on incoming settler rafts, so they are given a mask to identify them.

In the future, there will be a new research branch that will allow you to inspect settler traits on the raft before accepting them as well as research to have a chance to increase their trait levels.

(Above research are preview only. Not in game yet.)

Lastly, the Debug > Respawn option logic was accidentally changed to respawn you at the nearest dock when attempting to fix an unrelated respawn bug. However this broke the respawn debug option. Although it was a debug option, it is still useful in certain situations so its original behaviour has been restored and it will now teleport you to the main dock.

v0.71.5 - Settler variations

Settlers that have no traits have their default palette changed and new settlers should now have different appearances when saving/loading. Previously, settlers would default to one type after a re-save. This may perhaps add a bit more variation to settlers on the dock.

Seagulls should no longer lose hunger when they are idle or perched. There was an issue previously which caused them to lose hunger. The eggs rewarded from the raft's 'egg option' have also been increased to match the hatch dialog option. As a tip, if you have an upgraded ranch with a rancher, you actually get better odds at rare seagulls than letting them hatch on rafts!

Knowledge was gathered in huge amounts and was inefficient to transport, so their carry amount have been increased.

A cutscene now plays when you go underwater for the first time. It looks nice when I have a factory like in this image below, but I figured it may be annoying to watch the cutscene repeatedly even if it might look nice to see your underwater layout from this angle.

Fixed other bugs as well such as moon trader not being clickable.

Full patch notes (combined with v0.71.4):
Improvements and balancing:
- Seagulls no longer lose hunger when idle
- Seagull raft eggs increased: 3 -> 5 (from egg option dialog)
- Knowledge carry amount increased: 10 -> 20
- Red Envelope sell value increased: 10 -> 25
- Settler AI changed to prioritize sleep over hunger and thirst

- Settler default appearance changed to white shirt
- Settler skin/clothing colour variations are now saved
- Added cinematic when diving underwater for the first time

Bug Fixes:
- Fix clicking moon bunny trader not opening trade panel
- Fixed confirm button not working when starting new multiplayer game
- Fixed ice cream buff icons appearing in Parrot/Kewi info panels
- Fixed storage boxes having option to toggle multiple-output production