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⚜️Welcome to the Sword&Shield Simulator devlog #11 ⚜️

[h3]⚜️Weather system⚜️

Hi Folks,
A real medieval kingdom faced not only invaders, plagues, or disease, 🌡️ it also had to confront nature's maters.
Sometimes she was very kind🌞, but sometimes she made it so that even leaving the hut or city walls⛈️ could result in the loss of health or life☠️

Night 🌠


Downpour 🌧️

and much more

Check out what else awaits you in the medieval kingdom and how the game is evolving. Playtest really soon

⚜️Welcome to the Sword&Shield Simulator devlog #10 ⚜️

⚜️Character animations⚜️

Hi Folks,
despite the fact that the game is an indie game, we decided to add NPCs, but when we saw how they looked, we decided that the animations did not satisfy us. What did we do? We improved them, of course, and we wanted to share it with you :)

  1. NPCs in the bazaar

  2. Quarrel in the City of Kingdom

  3. Perturbations at the siege tower

⚜️Welcome to the Sword&Shield Simulator devlog #9 ⚜️

⚜️Danburg Fashion⚜️

Dear players, we have recreated medieval fashion👚, from a noble city mayor, through an able foreman, down to a battle-hardened man-at-arms - who will be the first antagonist the player meets!

The mayor🗝️ will give many quests related to the town’s safety🏰, where craftsmanship🛠️ will be more important than fighting skills, while the foreman at a local village will need a cunning blacksmith🗡️ to help him and his family in a difficult, war-torn reality. Some of you may already see where we took our inspirations for the “bad guys☠️”. Try and guess!

Here you can see what all of them look like

  1. The Mayor

  2. Craftsmen

  3. The Enemy


Sumtual Laws
Clothing was the quickest and easiest way to determine someone's status and position in life. A monk in a cassock, a servant in a livery, a peasant in a simple tunic, all were instantly recognizable, as was a knight in armor or a lady in a beautiful gown. Whenever members of the lower strata of society blurred the boundaries of social distinction by wearing clothes usually found only among the upper classes, people found this disturbing, and some saw it as downright offensive.

During the medieval era, and especially in the late Middle Ages, laws were passed to regulate what members of different social classes could and could not wear. These laws, known as sumptuary laws, not only attempted to maintain class separation, but also addressed excessive spending on all sorts of items. The clergy and more pious secular leaders had concerns about the conspicuous consumption to which the nobility was prone, and the sum laws were an attempt to reign in what some considered abominably ostentatious displays of wealth.
Although there are known cases of prosecutions under sum laws, they rarely worked. It was difficult to supervise all purchases. Since the penalty for breaking the law was usually a fine, the very rich could still purchase whatever they liked and pay the price without a second thought. Nevertheless, stately laws persisted in the Middle Ages.
information obtained from the website - https://www.greelane.com/pl/humanistyka/historia-i-kultura/medieval-clothing-and-fabrics-1788613/

⚜️Welcome to the Sword&Shield Simulator devlog #8 ⚜️

Danburg city of kingdom

Dear players, we have decided to expand the gameplay with, among other things, a dialogue system that will make it much easier for you to learn the stories of the 🏰kingdom which is call
.... Danburg⚜️

You'll learn more about Danburg and the rest of the cities🏰 later, but a little more about the troubles of their citiznes now.

[h3]Talk to people and discover stories of the kingdom[/h3]

You will be able to talk to everybody:
  • merchants ⚖️
  • peasants 👨‍🌾
  • guards 💂
  • and even... a drunkard at the tavern! 🥂

You will learn who they are, and some will gradually unveil the game’s lore and tell you what troubles the realm.
Some people you meet along your journey will even have quests for you❔! Completing them may not only give you profit, but also valuable information📨 to discover the truth about the main character’s missing father and his ultimate fate.
Let`s see what they say 💥

The Middle Ages is a very inspiring period in the history of mankind. Of course, this is reflected in speech and dialogues. We present you with some interesting quotes from this period

Our list of inspiring and amusing quotes from the Middle Ages.

“A tale is but half told when only one person tells it.” ~ from The Saga of Grettir the Strong, written in Iceland

“When the words come, they are merely empty shells without the music. They live as they are sung, for the words are the body and the music the spirit.” ~ Hildegard von Bingen, a 12th-century German abbess

“For even he who is most greedy for knowledge can achieve no greater perfection than to be thoroughly aware of his own ignorance in his particular field. The more be known, the more aware he will be of his ignorance.” ~ Nicholas of Cusa, a 15th-century German theologian

“Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness.” ~ Taqî ad-Dîn Aḥmad ibn Taymiyyah, a 14th-century theologian from Syria

You can find more at the site from which we borrowed the above https://www.medievalists.net/2023/05/25-great-medieval-quotes/

⚜️Welcome to the Sword&Shield Simulator devlog #7⚜️

New locations

Dear players, we decided to reveal to you that in the game ⚔️ will be a little more locations than you expected and we initially planned 😎

Medieval life took place not only in the kingdom town🏰 and its surroundings, but also in remote villages🏞️. So in this devlog we will show you, a a mill🪚, a sawmill and farmhouse🐖🐄,. That is, places that the player will be able/must visit and perform additional missions. What kind of...? You will find out by playing the game.

[h3]Farmhouse[/h3] toto a farm and livestock farm🐮🐷.
The player will be able to reach it by traversing the remote corners of the kingdom🏰
The farmhouse was almost the entire world of a peasant and his family, consisting of a hut, outbuildings for animals and for storing crops harvested🤠 from the field.
The main crops grown there were rye, barley, millet, wheat and oats🌾. Pigs🐖, sheep🐑, cows🐄, goats🐐, geese and chickens 🐔 were raised there. Animal🐾 meat was expensive and went to the tables of the richest. Animal skin was used to make shoes and belts, as well as being used as parts of armor

[h3]The sawmill[/h3] with Forge played a very important role, in the manufacture of weapons. It made all wooden parts and was located in the forest🌳.
It is interesting to note that the sawmill was revolutionized in 1594, when Dutch 🇳🇱 farmer Cornelis Corneliszoon 🤠 came up with the idea to construct a type of crankshaft. It was a simple arm and piston driven by a windmill. The device made upward and downward movements, the man was left only to move the cut trunk.

[h3]Water mill [/h3]a structure with a device for milling grain 🌾 into flour and groats, moved by a water wheel or water turbine💧, located on rivers🐟.
In the Middle Ages, water mills were the most powerful machines available, when the world knew only two sources of mechanical energy other than muscle power💪: water and wind. The most important, however, was water.
It was a reason that in the Middle Ages, they were sauced in processes that would have required enormous and expensive💰 manual labor. One water mill replaced the labor of about a hundred people🤠