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Showrunner News

Steam Deckbuilders Fest

Showrunner is part of the Steam Deckbuilders Fest event! It'll be 35% off for the duration of the event, which runs until the 1st of April, so now is a great time to get it!


Version 0.43

This build adds the full staff chemistry system to the game!

Please note that due to structural changes required in the backend, saves from older builds won't be compatible with this new version. If you want to play with older saves, you'll need to opt in to the beta branch "beta - old builds" which gives you continued access to the previous build (v0.42). Right click Showrunner in Steam, then properties, then betas, then select beta - old builds from the drop down. Set this drop down to None if you want to go to the latest version!

[h2]Staff Chemistry[/h2]

Chemistry represents staff getting on and working well together, and that mutual understanding increasing over time. Each member of your studio has a chemistry score with every other person they work with closely.

When staff work together on a stage of production they gain chemistry. The amount of chemistry gained will vary somewhat each time, but the primary factor in how much it increases are the personality types of each person. Staff with personality types with a strong affinity will increase their chemistry together much faster than otherwise, while those with a poor affinity will increase much more slowly. Chemistry increases are also affected to a lesser extent by the chemistry stat of the room(s) that staff work and rest in, by their morale and by certain staff perks.

Positive chemistry with other staff can have some general benefits for morale, but the main advantage is the critical success chance that comes from the team chemistry grade. When a team is set up for a production task such as writing or filming, the chemistry score all selected staff have with each other is averaged, producing a team chemistry grade which is displayed as staff are added to/removed from the team. This team chemistry grade will define the critical success chance for that stage of production. Whenever a critical success is achieved, the points generated are tripled!


- Auto menu pause option removed from options. The menu pause functionality has been reworked so that it should be more intuitive and better to use than either of the previously selectable options. Opening up a main menu page automatically pauses the game (preventing new stages in production from bringing up menus while you're on an existing screen) but you can unpause the game manually while you have a main menu page up. Closing/leaving a main menu screen will set the game speed back to what it was before the page appeared.
- Added option to turn screen scrolling with the mouse off.
- Character popularity animation skip timer reduced from 60 to 20.
- Card research audio changed, variants added.

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]

- Removed 3 items (chairs) from the Green Room calculations as these are not currently in the game or interactable/upgradable and were throwing the room stat calculations off a little.


Made adjustments to scripts that may help alleviate some of the more difficult to understand crashes.

Version 0.42

This update adds an editing system which allows you to select an editing focus to apply a percentage increase to one or two episode stats at the start of the editing phase, in exchange for a percentage reduction in one or two other stats. This system is a useful way to steer the episode stat scores towards favouring particularly important stats for the genre of your show (e.g. drama for drama show, plot for a procedural), which is a key factor in the review scores that episodes receive.

There are 24 editing focuses, you start with 8 available and unlock an additional 8 when levelling the Editing Suite room to both levels 2 and 3.

[h2]Bug Fixes

- Crashes caused by having script points going beyond 60 should no longer occur.
- Character relationships reciprocated correctly, including in shows after the first one your studio makes. Previously defaulted to the first character from the first show.
- Brainstorming button will now only appear on the Writer's Room sidebar as intended.
- Some instances of production phases not ending shouldn't occur anymore (percentage complete had gone slightly above 100 and this previously caused issues).

Version 0.4101

A hotfix to try to sort out a couple of crashes.

- Code to catch instances where staff stats are over 1000 when working on tasks, to avoid crashes - they perform as if stats are at the highest level. Also added clamping to staff stats after training, working in much the same way as after staff levelling, which should help prevent stats going over 1000.

- Changed how players can access the Character Look screen, pressing the LOOK button will now close the character sidebar. Previously changing the character selected in the sidebar while adjusting the look of the character on the Character Look screen could cause a crash related to face items. Players will now be able to scroll through characters on the Character Look screen however, bringing the way this all functions in line with the Character Details screen. A few other code tweaks which may also catch issues that were leading to the face item crash on the Character Look screen.

Steam Capitalism and Economy Fest

We're delighted to be part of the Steam Capitalism and Economy Fest event, which celebrates tycoon and business management games in all their forms!

Showrunner is 30% off for the duration of the event, which runs until the 15th of January, so now is a great time to get it!
