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  2. News

Different Strokes News

Continually updating, plans for the future!

We're preparing for a major update to the game and are planning to do a big marketing push to get the game in front of more people. No release date yet, but it's coming. If you want to hear about new features before the release, join the Discord and come say hi!


Canvas Zoom Feature and Improved Mobile Controls

It's now possible to zoom into the canvas for more fine detail work.
To zoom hold ALT on the keyboard and use the mouse scroll wheel.
Alternatively hold ALT and press the [ or ] keys.
When zoomed in you can use the arrow keys, or hold the cursor on the edge of the screen to move the view around.

The web version mobile controls are improved and allow you move and look around at the same time.
Web Version: https://swsteffes.itch.io/different-strokes

Mobile version and a fun minigame.

The web version of the game now supports touch controls, so if you have a fairly recent Android/iOS device you should be able to load it up, walk around the gallery and paint using the touchscreen.
Touch the left side of the screen to move and the right side to look around.
The web version doesn't support Steam login so you'll have to create a non-steam account in the game if you want to be logged in. If you have the deluxe edition and would like to use it in the web version, message me in the Discord and I'll give it to your web account.

Web/Mobile version: https://swsteffes.itch.io/different-strokes

Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/7r7MtVmEnh

Speaking of the Discord, I collaborated with the artist Drenn from the Discord to make this little minigame that is a reference to an ongoing joke in the community.
I think it's pretty fun, and it has an online leaderboard!


You can now toggle run/walk by tapping the shift key.

Updates & Steam Summer Sale

The Deluxe Edition is half off for the Steam Summer Sale!

Changes since the last update:
  • You no longer have to hold shift to run, you just run all the time now.
  • If you right click, or alt+click on a canvas while painting, it will change to the color under your cursor (eyedropper tool)
  • Straight Line Tool (Deluxe Edition Only). If you hold shift before you begin a line it will draw a straight line until you release the mouse/pen. While drawing a straight line, if you release the shift key and then press it again, it will lock the line to multiples of 22.5 degrees.

As always, don't forget to check the "Controls" page in the pause menu to see all of the additional features that are only accessible as keyboard shortcuts!

Also, in case you didn't know, there's a web version of the game that runs in the browser! You can't use your steam login, but I use it all the time just to quickly browse the gallery.

Small Updates, join the Discord!

Changes since the last update:
  • bug fixes / performance improvements
  • paint gun (press G) you can control the color using the number keys
  • press F to flip the canvas horizontally (creates a new undo state)
  • when painting, press C to view the original, unedited version of the painting

If you haven't already, consider joining the Discord! lots of fun people in there talking about art, and other things.

If you forget the keyboard controls, check the "controls" page in the pause menu (esc or P)