1. Kitchen Crisis
  2. News
  3. 1.1 Patch note

1.1 Patch note

Hello, this is Team Samoyed.

Currently, we are experiencing a persistent crashing issue that only occurs in specific PC environments. It has been challenging to accurately define the environment and identify the cause, which has led to delays in resolving the issue.

Therefore, to allow players to continue their game after a crash, we have prioritized the development of a mid-game save feature and have included it in this patch.

We will do our best to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.

Additionally, if you experience a crash, it would be greatly helpful for resolving the issue if you could compress the entire folder found at the path below and send it to us at
[email protected]
, along with your PC specifications and environment.

C:/Users/(Your Username)/AppData/Roaming/TeamSamoyed/KitchenCrisis/data

We will also ensure that convenience patches and balance adjustments are quickly implemented in upcoming patches.

Thank you.