1. Pro Philosopher 2
  2. News
  3. What’s Next? Next Fest! (And a new Website!) (AND A NEW TRAILER)

What’s Next? Next Fest! (And a new Website!) (AND A NEW TRAILER)

So many exciting things are coming Next! And when is next? Next Fest!

If you’re unfamiliar, Next Fest will run on Steam from June 10th to the 17th and will highlight some excellent upcoming titles WITH DEMOS.

One of our favorite games with an exceedingly cool Demo is, well, ours! Pro Philosopher 2: Governments and Grievances! I know, you’re surprised. Take a moment to compose yourself.

The demo will be launching with the ‘Fest on the 10th. You’ll get a sneak peak at the narrative and mechanics of the game guided by the delightful Machiavelli.

However, if you find yourself unable to wait until June for a sneak peak, keep an alert eye on our social media for other announcements. 👀 We’ll also shout out some of our other favorite Demos from the fest!

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In other news, we have a real website now! Bookmark it, save it, share it, do all the stuff you normally do with websites. It even has a funny button that lets you wishlist the game! Wonder what happens when you press it?

And, oh wow, it wouldn't be next fest without a new trailer! We really buried the lede on that one huh?
Check it out here, and don't forget to like and subscribe 😉


That's all we have for you right now. If you want to keep up with the Pro Philosopher Community, hop into our discord and follow our other social media! As always, we appreciate you wishlisting the game and telling your friends about it. That helps us more than you know.

Hope you’ll join us June 10th at Next Fest to get a good look at what the final game will be like!