1. Escape: Space
  2. News
  3. Escape Space 1.0.0 is out!

Escape Space 1.0.0 is out!

Hello there, mercenaries.

I'm pleased to announce that Escape Space is fully completed and released in this new v1.0.0 build!

Thank you a lot for all of your continuous support and feedback during the Early Access phase, it helped me focus on what's important in bringing this game project to what it is today.

This update mostly adds quality-of-life features, improvements, and polish on top of the previous content build, see the changelog below.

Content creators, I've also published a presskit where you can find any visual you'll need.

[h2]Patch notes[/h2]
Demo build:
  • The demo build has been updated to reflect the v1.0.0 of the game.
  • The new maximum mercenary rank of the demo is 30.
  • Achievements support has been removed from the demo build because it was too complex and time-consuming to manage two separate achievement trees.
New features:
  • You can now preview all of the weapons on the loadout screen before purchasing any so that you'll see what their shooting pattern is before spending your credits.
  • Added power-up notifications & timers on-screen when playing to better understand what you collect during a mission.
  • Reworked the way the explosion VFXs work, for more boom all over the place.
  • Reworked some visuals from the Upgrade tree to better understand what is unlocked and what isn't.
  • The game will now exit smoothly when you click the Exit button.
  • Modified the way the Rampage mod works. Instead of slowing the time down, it now gives a flat % increase in fire rate for a few seconds.
  • Changed the game's app icon.
  • Added an option to turn on/off the screenshakes.
  • Added an option to turn on/off the flashes.
  • Added an option to turn on/off the controller vibration.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed missing/invalid translations (especially in French).
  • Fixed Bill-E colors not properly updated in the Hub.
  • Fixed a navigation issue that could happen when using the keyboard/controller with the frame to confirm a purchase.

[h2]What's next?[/h2]
With this update, the game will enter a freeze period. It means that no new features will be added for a few weeks to make sure that everything is working fine and to address hotfixes if necessary.

I may have some plans for the future of Escape Space, especially some end-game content for hardcore players, but I'll see how the game works first to better refine the ideas.

So if any feedback please do not hesitate to reach out to me!

[h2]Thank you for reading![/h2]
Do you want to be featured in the next update announcement? Please send us your videos/articles at shidygames[AT]gmail[DOT]com!

As always, thank you a lot for the support. As a solo developer, it means a lot.

Please continue reporting feedback and/or issues on Discord; it helps me better prioritize the next move for development!

And if you want to follow me on the journey of making this game, I'm streaming the process every Tuesday/Thursday at 9 pm Paris time on Twitch!

Wanna discuss? I'm also on Twitter/X. Come say hi!

See you in space, mercenaries.