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  3. Operation Diamond Dog: Winner Announced

Operation Diamond Dog: Winner Announced

We counted the Blood Diamonds...

Congratulations to our Diamond Dog community event winner! With 2136 Blood Diamonds extracted in a single Survivor Mercs run, you really made a name for yourself in the resistance!

[h2]The First ever Diamond Dog - Mithur[/h2]

  • The Temporary Title “Diamond Dog” in the Wandering Wizard Discord. If you have not yet joined the Wandering Wizard Discord, you can join here.

You have successfully funded the revolution with your efforts Commander, we salute you.

We also have a very exciting update from the developers coming soon so please keep your eyes peeled for some exciting news and announcements! Additionally, 1.0 is right around the corner, so be sure to leave your feedback and engage with fellow community members in the Wandering Wizard Discord and Steam Forums. We want the resistance strong for all the battles that lie ahead.

The Survivor Mercs Community Team