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Kaz's Adventure 2: Lost Souls News

Final Trailer & Release Date - Coming Soon!

It's Finally Happening!

Yes, your eyes do not deceive you, Kaz's Adventure 2: Lost Souls is close enough to completion we now know when it will be finished for certain this time, we also have new level environments and plot points to use in the upcoming trailer!

[h2]When will the game release?[/h2]

At the moment we are saving the release date announcement for the final trailer but it will be within Q4 2024 for free.

[h2]When is the trailer releasing?[/h2]

The trailer releases 17th June 2024 and will mainly focus on gameplay and never before seen environments.


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Introducing New Enemy: Bones

During your adventure, you'll come across new characters and enemies, this is a enemy called bones who appears throughout all 4 worlds and has 100 HP, it also has a armoured alternative which has 150 HP, This is the 2nd enemy to have 150 HP and the first enemy to have variants of itself so make sure you check if it has armour before you expect it to die after two hits!

Details On Some Of The Major Story Changes.

[h2]The Entire Story For Kaz's Adventure 2: Lost Souls Has Changed.[/h2]
Recently I realised that 5 worlds was a bit too much due to current resources and that meant one had to be cut which led to story rewrites and then the entire games story got changed, Kaz does still die in the opening and he does still travel the underworld but the whole plot point of Kaz trying to revive himself has been scrapped and instead he's trying to reunite with his brother Ash who died in the prologue of Kaz's Adventure 1, He will still visit the same places as originally planned but he just won't be reviving himself.

The world that was cut was Kaz reliving the prologue of Kaz's Adventure 1 and his village being attacked this has been cut due to him not needing to visit his memories anymore to revive himself, instead we can put more of a focus on Kaz's relationship with his race and brother plus also tie both the kaz games closer together.

Sorry for anyone who wanted to see something like that but one of the perks of staying in the underworld is we can always bring that plot back at a later date plus explore more of the underworld, the underworld in the game is a dark but also lively world full of new creatures, removing this world has also allowed for more enemy and NPC types so expect some info on new characters and enemies soon!

[h2]When Is Kaz's Adventure 2: Lost Souls Releasing?[/h2]
I'm starting to get a better guess on when this will be and development has been going at a rapid pace at the moment, Kaz 2's final trailer will drop sometime around june ish and that will include a concrete not changing release date along with more focus on unseen worlds.

Kaz's Adventure 2: Lost Souls | Further Game Details ~ 04.01.2024

Further Game Details

[h3]Controller Support[/h3]
Recently we have added full controller support with most controllers, the game will be fully playable with a controller and we heavily recommend giving it a go with a controller if you can as it's quite fun.

[h3]Major Story Rewrites[/h3]
Originally the story was meant to end on a happy note but recently some story rewrites has made it so the ending is now more of a mixture between happy and sad.

[h3]Animated Cutscenes[/h3]
This game will have 2 animated cutscene.

[h3]Easter Eggs[/h3]
There are a few easter eggs in the game although this game will not have a "secret" ending it will have some easter eggs to find mainly in the main menu.

[h3]Weekly Rewards[/h3]
Now every week you open up the game, a free 3 lives will be auto redeemed to your current save so you can carry on your adventure with less fear of having to completely restart a level.

New NPC: Dylan The Crocodile

New NPC: Dylan The Crocodile

Along your adventure, one reoccurring NPC you'll be able to talk to is Dylan the crocodile who kind of acts as Kaz's guide through the underworld, if you see him on your adventure make sure to say hi.