1. King Arthur's Gold
  2. News
  3. The 2022 Update is out (Build 4137)

The 2022 Update is out (Build 4137)

Hi all,

It's time for a major update, containing new features, bug fixes and balance changes! This update is being released AS WE SPEAK so make sure to HOP ON as soon as you finish reading!

This update was brought to you by all the wonderful community contributors & those participating in balance discussions, polls and game tests on GitHub or Discord. Thanks everyone who worked on has contributed, and everyone else, please check it out! Huge thanks to Asu, bunnie, TheCatWizard, mugg91, Epsilon, Vamist, Mazey, Nananas, Skemonde at least for their direct code or artwork contributions, and many else!

Below you find the patch notes, even with dozens of very minor fixes and code changes omitted, this update stands to be one of the largest in KAG history. This update focuses for a major part on re-balance as well as merging in a lot of quality of life and features that have been in the pipeline for quite a while, to get a full grasp of what you'll find in-game, please skim through the patch notes! A few highlights below:

Fixed saw bombjumps - by changing the way (water) bombs interact with saws; the saw now blasts the bombs away as a tornado, opening up new gameplay possibilities and getting rid of the infamous bug!

Added outpost - KAG alpha enjoyers rejoice! Albeit in a different form than the early years of KAG, outposts are back! Outposts are bought at the siege shop similarly to the ballista and catapult, and takes over the role of spawn point with class swapping from the ballista, in addition to having a built-in tunnel. This change also removes the gold cost of ballistae and reduces its price, to promote its usage with its intended purpose.

Build time changes, balance & quality of life - Various smaller and larger changes to optimise the general game flow, such as visual game status banners throughout the game, faster building in build time and repairing all blocks besides just regular stone and wood blocks. Many other balance point as well that hits all classes, including minor economy rework, special arrow changes, drill balance & better structure hitting as knight.

This update is also closely released to the Halloween event that goes life automatically every year. You may notice a few (graphical) readability changes after this update for the event as well. Happy Halloween! There are still many exciting changes in the pipeline, and now that we've got a majority merged into the game a huge weight has been lifted of the backs of those responsible, smaller updates may be more feasible now, too!

[added] In-game popup for redirecting to official polls
[added] Knight crouch anims
[added] slightly faster pickaxe mining against player-built blocks. Since you cannot change the damage you do against certain blocks, this was done by speeding up the animation of chopping and using a pickaxe by 1 frame (16.66%) against: backwall, doors, stone and wooden blocks, platforms and bridges, ladders, spikes
[added] (water)bomb tornado to saws to replace saws exploding bombs
[added] you can repair blob-blocks same as you repair normal blocks. This is done by "healing" them. Takes the same amount of materials as if you wanted to build a new one.
[added] added a 600 coin limit (automatically disabled on Christmas holiday for festivity)
[added] Raycasted knight slashes (and jabs)
[added] Queue for spectators to join full server
[added] added ballista bomb bolts to tth
[added] add an outpost to the siege shop. Outpost mechanics:
5x5 outpost which is essentially a workshop, but is unpacked from a crate bought in the siege shop for 150 coins and 50 gold
respawning with shorter spawn immunity
storage-size storage
can change class on it (both teams)
also works as a tunnel (only owner team can use the tunnel; other teams can however use tunnel to travel to it)
capturable same as ballistas
[added] support for help/hints that are shown even with hints turned off
[added] cata rocks are shieldable
[added] added offscreen entity throttling (only for staging clients)
[added] accolades, patreon heads, head prizes
[added] Gulp sound when buying a Beer at Quarters
[added] knockback from water bombs and water arrows
[added] Night ambient music
[added] shaky doors receive more damage than normal doors
[added] you get resupplies without having to go to a builder shop or a tent in build time
[added] text above inventory that tells you when you're able to receive builder resupplies
[added] builder and archer resupply now use different timers
[added] easier resupplying on ballista
[added] "Capture the flag!" banner at game start, currently for CTF gamemodes only
[added] "Build the base!" banner at build base start, currently for CTF gamemodes only
[added] added the team wins banner to small CTF (previously it didn't use banners at all)
[added] some Russian locale for DLC packs
[added] building during build time is now almost 2 times faster (build delay: 7 > 4)
[added] add polygon overlap system to the hover-pickup, add script to help set z-order for important items, for pickup, prioritize hovered CShape of blobs
[added] Shake screen when close to a Keg, or when hit by an explosive. Includes GUI change to disable
[added] Team Color to Keg
[modified] updated CTF mapcycle
[modified] halloween brightness 0.85 instead of 0.9
[modified] Cannot toggle lantern underwater
[modified] updated Small CTF mapcycle
[modified] drill behaviour:
receives slightly more heat from hitting tiles like dirt and ore
receives less heat from hitting blobs like players or doors
increased max heat
slower cool down
water buckets now cool 50% of drill heat instead of 70%
you can't pick up overheated drills anymore (previously you could and have them instantly drop to the ground]
drills now ignore bushes
[modified] improved putting held items in your inventory with bad ping
[modified] Dead enemy bodies open team bridges
[modified] you now move faster in water
[modified] dinghies move faster in water
[modified] water arrows come in stack of 1 instead of 2
[modified] new cost of water arrow: 15 instead of 10
[modified] splash from water buckets now does a bit of knockback
[modified] wooden doors nerfed: 11 slashes to kill as a knight and only one bomb+slash
[modified] stone doors nerf: 3-4 bombs to get destroyed
[modified] Fire arrows now light team kegs as well
[modified] also ignore emotes from ignored players
[modified] everyone is now switched to builder when a new match starts
[modified] catapult changes:
players are launched with 75% original force
other items are launched with 110% original force
[modified] cata rocks do more damage to blocks
[modified] no spawning from ballista
[modified] balllista no longer costs gold
[modified] ballista price reduced to 150
[modified] improved cata unpacking code
[modified] more coin gain from combat (around 15-20% more total compared to current)
[modified] less coin loss on death (15% instead of 20)
[modified] increased coin gain from killing people as a builder (around 30% compared to new values for other classes)
[modified] less coin gain from hitting siege
[modified] remove coin loss from teamkill
[modified] Trampoline has 360 rotation, help label for controls
[modified] now you get arrows in build time too as archer
[modified] Improve voting UI
[modified] Players playing on duplicate instances of KAG cannot vote
[modified] resupplies every 30 seconds during build time rather than every 40
[modified] changed the resupply message to help people that haven't figured out resupplies yet
[modified] Better bomb throwing with ping
[modified] Improved Background scrolling
[modified] Gold will decay, except in CTF/TTH
[modified] clamp fake rolling rotation speed
[fixed] Pre-existing Doors and Ladders will now decay in water
[fixed] mats drop on ground now if you're not builder after build time
[fixed] if you afk as an archer at a resupply point your resupply counter gets reset and you hear the resupply sound even if you already have 30 arrows
[fixed] Small sanitization checks
[fixed] make fire arrows hit like normal arrows + fire, fixes sound on hit and stun
[fixed] arrow type cycling
[fixed] Allow moving spectator camera when voting for new map in CTF
[fixed] fixed bug when you could accidentally damage backwall behind a door when lagging or building fast
[fixed] Drill activating when player is attached
[fixed] current sprite frame of blob-blocks like doors, platforms, etc. is now based on health rather than amount of hits received
[Fixed] Catapult flying away if shooting from a Mounted Bow which is in a Catapult's Mag
[fixed] Characters and Migrants not stopping after HOTHOTHOT is done
[fixed] Pick-up wheel not updating if letting go of "pickup key".
[fixed] that you could pick up Flowers.
[fixed] that you could pick up enemy items when you shouldn't be able to.
[fixed] Firearrows ricocheting off structure blobs
[fixed] fake rolling angle calculation
[fixed] Removed buggy grass from maps
[fixed] Keg not making sounds when hit
[fixed] blobs launched from catapult appearing behind shops
[fixed] long resupply timer bug
[fixed] Loading items you aren't holding in catapult
[fixed] cl_mouse_scale != 2 caused incorrect aim
[fixed] Minimap on top of map voting window and exception in CTF when match ends via vote pass or chat command
[fixed?] dinghy yeet glitch
[removed] Quarry removed from CTF