1. Mortal Glory 2
  2. News
  3. Updated to 1.0.6

Updated to 1.0.6


-The character selection at start will now show if the character spawns with a rare perk (these have a very very small effect so no need to reroll until you get them!).
-Adjusted Summon Specter skill to apply Terrified on caster instead of a stun. The duration of the debuff is now also adjusted so that it won't immediately end at the end of that turn.
-Adjusted Evil Twin skill to apply Vulnerable on caster instead of a stun. The duration of the debuff is now also adjusted so that it won't immediately end at the end of that turn.


-Fixed a bug that could cause battle to not start if player exited from a previous fight with "save & quit" during specific circumstances like a unit falling into a pit.
-Fixed a bug that could cause battle to not start if player exited from a previous with with "save & quit" with very precise timing during enemy AI moving.
-Fixed a bug where battle could get frozen if an AI character had no viable moves and decided to push a nearby barrel (and was erroneously able to push it twice).
-Fixed a bug where "Add beast" battle challenge could add an additional unit at higher levels.
-Fixed a bug where map scene music could play in battle in some cases.
-Fixed a bug where AoE attacks could potentially deliver a critical strike to a unit that has crit immunity.
-Small localization & typo fixes.
-Small adjustments to stat colors in tooltips.