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Rock of Ages News

Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break is available now!

Whether this is your introduction to the series or its triumphant return, Rock of Ages 3 is the biggest and bouldest entry yet, and I’m here to walk you through everything you can make and break today!

[h3]What is Rock of Ages?[/h3]

Rock of Ages is a blend of tower defense strategy, arcade action, and competitive racing wrapped up in one giant destructive bundle. Players control a multitude of different boulders as they storm the opponent’s stronghold, while simultaneously placing a variety of defenses, traps, and structures to defend your own castle from siege.

When you’re done busting down castle doors, there are five more skill-based game modes for you to challenge progressively more difficult computer-controlled opponents or other players in online and local multiplayer.

[h3]The MAKE Mode[/h3]

In a series first, ACE Team is giving players the tools they need to create their own wacky courses, share online, and play them with others. This easy-to-use level editor supports all the different game modes and boulders, and you can download and play the variety of courses made by the community.

[h3]The BREAK Mode[/h3]

When you are done making your levels it’s time to break everyone else’s! Rock of Ages 3 features the longest campaign in the series to date, chock full of ACE Team’s quirky, Monty Python-esque humor. The story will take players through Elpenor’s journey, the lesser-known companion of Odysseus as he wanders through time with the titular “Rock of Ages”, a sentient boulder who will battle famous and infamous figures throughout history in frantic boss battles across 60+ levels.

Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break is the result of over eight years of development, refinement, and fun rolled up into one package – and with the addition of the robust course creator and the ability to share your creations with the community, the gameplay possibilities are limitless. Pick it up today!


Rock of Ages 3 Domino Set Giveaway!

Hello Rock of Ages fans! We're less than a week away from the release and to celebrate the upcoming launch we'd like to run a new cool giveaway. To participate all you have to do is follow and wishlist Rock of Ages 3. There are 3 domino sets that will go to the lucky winners!!


The contest will run for one week and we will announce the winners shortly after the game launches, so time to roll over those buttons!

Collectibles Giveaway!

Hello Rock of Ages fans! We're kicking off this Holiday season with a cool giveaway. To participate all you have to do is follow the Rock of Ages 3 Community Hub and wishlist the game. There are 3 different awesome boulder designs, and we're giving away a total of 9 figurines.


The contest will run for another couple of days and we will announce the winners on Tuesday December 10th in RoA3 community hub, so time to roll over those buttons!

Collectibles Giveaway!

Hello Rock of Ages fans! We're kicking off this Holiday season with a cool giveaway. To participate all you have to do is follow the Rock of Ages 3 Community Hub and wishlist the game. There are 3 different awesome boulder designs, and we're giving away a total of 9 figurines.


The contest will run for one week and we will announce the winners on Tuesday December 10th, so time to roll over those buttons!

Which units from Rock of Ages 2 feel underpowered or overpowered to you?

Help us out by answering in this survey: https://forms.gle/ZaQyWnvXAjoVNDTS6