1. We Are Not Alone
  2. News

We Are Not Alone News

1.7 Update

Strap yourselves in, this is a big one:

  • Geoff no longer pushes Riley out the door - he's learned some manners.
  • Characters should not longer "fall into place" in certain scenarios (well, they will, but I did a cool thing with the camera fade in so it should be less noticeable).
  • Can no longer repeat a day (entering a room no longer resets the objective)
  • Added tutorial for viewing current objective.
  • Added mention of tutorial for running in third person mode.
  • Made the pool puzzle a little easier with various hints.
  • Added reminder in tutorial on where to find tutorial information if you forget controls.
  • Fixed autosave bug near end of game
  • Fixed issue where you couldn't collect camera unless opening/closing a menu first
  • Fixed various triggers repeating dialogue (now does it once)
  • Fixed being able to telepathically collect some items, or interact with some objects.
  • You can no longer see through Charlie's door into the void.
  • The weights in the gym are no longer so shiny they cause temporary blindness to players.
  • Riley should no longer get stuck on her own couch.
  • When using inventory items, they highlight in a nice blue rather than red. Better indicates a positive interaction.
  • Controls can now be viewed correctly in the options menu (just in case you forget something, but I know you won't!)
  • There is no longer a floating camera in they gym - also the "camera" sign has been found and put back on the wall!
  • Riley now understands how toilet (doors) work and shouldn't be able to get stuck on them.
  • A camera will no longer disappear if you save/load at a specific time.
  • The fog that was meant to be in the ending scene of the game but was never there ... is now there - SPOOKY!
  • LINUX ONLY: Due to Vsync not working in Linux, a target framerate has been set, hopefully fixing potential motion sickness issues. This is experimental, and may not work, and I will continue to test + attempt a fix.

Known Issues:
  • In the main living area, the game may start stuttering for no reason. I'm investigating, but saving + loading clears this up for now.

Also a big HUGE thanks to one very dedicated Linux user who provided tonnes of feedback. A bunch of fixes listed here are from their comments. If you're reading this, you know who you are, and I really appreciate it!

1.6 Update

The v1.6 update is now live with the following fixes and additions:

[h3]Normalised Voice Lines[/h3]
Certain voice lines have been filtered and normalised. There should no longer be a major disparity between characters.

[h3]More Puzzle Hints[/h3]
If you try something incorrect, but not entirely incorrect, you should get better hints than in previous versions.

[h3]Inventory "Examine"[/h3]
Right click / left trigger on inventory items to get a little description. There might be some little easter eggs in there!

[h3]Item Interactions[/h3]
Are you sick of nothing happening when you use an inventory item on something? Well, now with v1.6, something will happen! There are some extra little things here now too ... maybe don't use the knife in act 2 on characters.

[h3]Light Baking[/h3]
Fixed an issue where looking outside of Riley's dorm would show a very ugly light bake in the distance. This has been fixed in the Windows version and (hopefully) Linux + Mac.

There are a few instances in the game where Riley can get ... stuck. Now, if this happens, in 8 seconds she will teleport to her destination. Why 8 and not 10? Because 8 is cooler and my favourite number.

[h3]Autosave Us All[/h3]
In previous versions when entering the save game menu you could override the autosave. This ability has now been removed. Why did I think it was a good idea to allow that before? We'll never know.

[h3]Main Camera Is Now Encased In a Black Box[/h3]
Uhhh, yep you read that right. This is just to try fix issues where you could see outside the world in certain loading saved game events.

[h3]Do these version numbers mean anything? [/h3]
Not really, I started incrementing really quickly with each patch so it's already at 1.6

Linux Version Now Available!

First of all - this took a little longer than expected, but it's here!

The Linux version of We Are Not Alone is now available (and achievements work too!)

Originally this was going to be released very soon after the launch of the Windows + Mac versions, but little issues kept creeping in when compiling the Linux version on Windows or Mac.

Some REALLY bad things such as entirely broken lighting, Riley not having any skin ... the list goes on.

I've now setup an entirely separate Linux dev environment. There may be some minor little issues present (one viewable, but not enterable, room has a slight light bake issue).

I really hope you enjoy We Are Not Alone now that it is on your preferred platform, thank you for your patience!

If you encounter any issues please let me know and I'll get to fixing them as soon as possible!


Patch 1.5.2

Big thank you to everyone who is providing bug reports - I'm trying to fix these as soon as I possibly can!

The patch today brings a few changes. The most notable being that the HARD MODE achievement should no longer accidentally pop when playing in Normal and using the hotspot flash (sorry - it just got harder!)

I'll try avoid spoilers as best I can here. If you encountered ... you'll know what it means.

  • Fixed issue where store room encounter could break with a save/load.
  • Hard mode achievement no longer triggers on wrong circumstances.
  • Could avoid decontamination sequence.
  • Fixed double "scream" event in a later room.
  • Game now saves after a lengthy scene, meaning if something goes wrong you'll be OK
  • Crouching during a specific cutscene would cause you to walk slowly after - added fix.
  • Missing highlights in later section of the game have been added.
  • Can no longer repeatedly trigger an end game event (it looked awkward!)
  • Various hotspots have had their names updated
  • Bunch of spelling issues fixed.
  • A few instances of dialogue happening at the wrong times has been fixed.
  • Fixed issue in dorm, where picking up camera could cause something awkward to happen.
  • Added text in incase you solve a puzzle early, rather than Riley refusing to take an item.

Once again a big thank you to everyone, for your patience, and for your support. I'm a solo dev and have tried and will keep trying my hardest to bring the quality YOU deserve.


We Are Not Alone is Now Available!

It's been a long road, but it's time!

We Are Not Alone is now available for Windows + Mac (Linux will come soon after further testing).

Thank you to everyone who has been helped in any way shape or form with this project, I truly appreciate it.

If you do encounter any issues - please let me know on the forums! It may be a long weekend here, but I won't be stopping. If there's a major issue that needs fixing, I'm on it!