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Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life News

🚀Mission Briefing 👩‍🚀Mars Horizon 2 Developer Update #2

[h2]Hi Aurochnauts! 👩‍🚀[/h2]

[h3]Welcome to April's Mission Briefing: Developer Update for Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life with your latest update on the game 🚀[/h3]
Make sure you are subscribed to our Mars Horizon Newsletter to get these updates direct to your inbox and join our Discord to talk to other Mars Horizon and Space fans.

[h2]👩‍🔬What have the devs been working on this month? 👩‍🔬[/h2]
We’ve turned our afterburners up to maximum this April as we rocket towards another successful milestone. The key underlying systems that govern our surface view gameplay are now in a playable state! Rovers are deployable upon the surface of Mars and can impart on extra-terrestrial excavations.
Our hex based gameplay is now tangibly tessellated with the fog of ignorance, providing a wealth of necessary tactical decision making as rovers are piloted across the hazardous terrain of distant celestial bodies.
Supporting the rovers from the atmosphere are our flybys and orbiters. These payloads, despite never interacting with planetary surfaces directly, provide invaluable information in the form of surface scans. All of this functionality is in game and is granting the whole team a great deal of perspective on how these systems feel when interacting.
Dust storms, volcanos, chemical rain, and more hazards are all taking shape. These perilous environmental events display the true dangers of our neighbouring planets. Players will have to map out their steps very carefully when searching for the essential ingredients that make up the potential for life.
Breathing a sonic soul into our solar system has been a focus this month. Work on the implementation of the soundscape of Mars Horizon 2 has begun in form of background music for all scenes. Payload sound effects and stingers for all UI are providing real depth to gameplay interactions.
The entire team has been getting hands on with the build and we couldn’t be more excited for what the next month holds.

- Matt Holmes, Producer for Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life

[h2]👀 Something is on the Horizon 👀[/h2]
Earlier this month, we met up at the Auroch Digital offices to record something which we look forward to sharing with you in the future.

Stay tuned for more info soon... 🎥

[h2]🌍 Participating in the Earth Appreciation Festival 🌍[/h2]
Through Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life's inclusion, we were delighted to be part of the Earth Appreciation Festival, which took place on Steam between the 23rd and 29th of April. The annual event, which is ran by our friends at Stray Fawn, Slug Disco, and Mechanistry, celebrates the beauty of our green planet and the marvellous diversity of life as we see it.

Thank you for having Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life be part of the festival and hopefully everyone who experienced the event was able to check out some great games that celebrate our planet! 💚

[h2]✨ Mars Horizon in 'Best Games About Space' List ✨[/h2]
We were delighted to be included in Mezha Media's 'Best Games About Space' shortlist with the original Mars Horizon! 🙌🏻

Mars Horizon is in fantastic company as the other games on the list are all tremendous examples of stellar space games.

Thanks again to Mezha Media for including us and we encourage you to check out all the games on the list, too!

[h2]🌕 ESA Launches 'Lunar Horizons' Game Mode in Fortnite 🌕[/h2]
Our partners for Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life, the European Space Agency (ESA) announced earlier this month that they have been working with Epic Games to include a realistic Moon mission, which is available to play in Fortnite! 

Lunar Horizons is available now in Fortnite, where it can be experienced using code 3207-0960-6428 or by searching for ‘Lunar Horizons’ in Discover. We hope you enjoy checking it out!

[h2]🛰️Join the official Mars Horizon 2 socials🛰️[/h2]
With the new direction of Mars Horizon 2 and the screenshots we shared this month, there's never been a better time to follow our social channels! This will ensure that you don't miss out on the cool content we'll have to share throughout the development journey and some behind the scenes looks at what we get up to. 👀

Celebrate Earth with Earth Appreciation Festival 2024! 🌎

In recognition of World Earth Day on April 22, 2024 we’re taking part in a weeklong Steam festival to celebrate the beauty of our green planet, and the marvelous diversity of life as we see it. This year’s selection of games shows off the Earth at its best, and inspires us to protect the environment that we all depend upon. Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life looks forward to finding life in our solar system, but reminds us to treasure the life that we already have here on earth.

With climate change, pollution, overpopulation, and conflict, the future of our planet’s delicately balanced ecosystems is far from guaranteed. Check out the festival to have a look at games offering a glimpse of the dire possibilities that show how much we'd miss our natural world if we lost it forever.
[h2]Climate change issues and Auroch Digital 🌍[/h2]
At Auroch Digital we are passionate about fighting the global climate crisis. We've done podcasts, and given talks about these issues and we are passionate about working with partners who care about these issues too. Our partner for Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life is the European Space Agency (ESA) - learn more about this in our Steam post. We recently celebrated some good news from ESA where they are accelerating the race towards clean energy from space.

To hear more about Auroch Digital's views on Climate change listen to our Podcast episode - Games Development and Climate Change | S7 E4 with guests Dr Benjamin Abraham and Steven Webb, we explore why it is the Games Industry is a key component in the movement against climate change.

You can also watch a talk by our Studio Director Tomas Rawlings about Sustainability - Can the game industry grow without destroying the planet?

🚀Mission Briefing 👩‍🚀Mars Horizon 2 Developer Update #1

[h2]Hi Aurochnauts! 👩‍🚀[/h2]
[h3]Welcome to the first Mission Briefing: Developer Update for Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life with your latest update on the game 🚀[/h3]

Make sure you are subscribed to our Mars Horizon Newsletter to get these updates direct to your inbox and join our Discord to talk to other Mars Horizon and Space fans.

[h2]👩‍🔬What have the devs been working on this month? 👩‍🔬[/h2]
March has been a busy month for our developers on Mars Horizon 2, aka mission control. Our goal up to this point has been getting all of our underlying systems in place. Mars Horizon 2 is a heavily interconnected strategy game which means our bedrock needs to be robust and capable of handling the intercommunications between all of these systems.

We’re putting the finishing touches on the foundations of our planetary surface view gameplay. Our fantastic design team have started building first pass hex terrain maps with a focus being to accommodate for a variety of playstyles. We want to support each of our players to approach their search for life however they choose. Alongside this, our movement and action queuing systems are nearing build inclusion meaning we can get stuck into game feel and balancing.

Accessibility and playability are at the forefront of all projects at Auroch. As Mars Horizon 2 is a strategy game we have a heavy focus on UI iconography, hence the UI/UX team are diligently at work ensuring we communicate our myriad systems to all types of players concisely and clearly.

Our payloads are now in full swing, with many assets gradually being added to the game. Our universal animation system has now been implemented too, which allows our payloads to fully show all their greebles as they explore the far-flung vistas of space.

Speaking of space, the Solar System view has received a second visual pass which is bringing the beauty and grandeur of our corner of the cosmos to the forefront.

We are really passionate about the game's new direction. The excitement for the surface view gameplay is reaching fever pitch as we move towards our first internal playable.

- Matt Holmes, Producer for Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life

[h2]🔭Interview with ESA 🔭[/h2]
At the recent Digital Tabletop Fest 4: Roll of the Dice, which took place between the 7th of March and the 11th, we at Auroch Digital hosted an interview with the European Space Agency. Mars Horizon 2's Lead Designer, John O'Donnell, and Producer, Tess Cartwright, spoke to the ESA's Modelling and Simulation Engineer, Alexia Mallet, and Mission Project Manager, Pantelis Poulakis, about a variety of topics including:

[h2]👀New Mars Horizon 2 screenshots 👀[/h2]
Earlier this month, we shared an update for Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life. Here we showcased some new screenshots of what we've been working on and updated the game's Steam Store page to give you a teaser of the games new direction.

Check out the all new screenshots if you haven't already, we hope this has made you even more excited to play Mars Horizon 2 when it's ready 🙌🏻

[h2]🛰️Join the official Mars Horizon 2 socials🛰️[/h2]
With the new direction of Mars Horizon 2 and the screenshots we shared this month, there's never been a better time to follow our social channels! This will ensure that you don't miss out on the cool content we'll have throughout the development journey and some behind the scenes looks at what we get up to. 👀

ICYMI: Panel with the European Space Agency – It’s Just Rocket Science

Hello Aurochnauts,

Delayed in orbit? Rest assured, the latest transmission from Digital Tabletop Fest 4: Roll of the Dice has arrived to keep you entertained!

Tess and John from Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life were joined by European Space Agency experts, Alexia Mallet, Modelling and Simulation Engineer, and Pantelis Poulakis, Mission Project Manager discussing the risks and challenges with missions to Mars and how this real science translates to Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life.
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DTFest's Event - Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life Panel with ESA 🚀👨🏻‍🚀

[h2]The European Space Agency Panel - It’s Just Rocket Science – Risk in Real Life and in Games 🚀👨🏻‍🚀[/h2]

As part of Digital Tabletop Fest 4: Roll of the Dice, Tess and John from Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life are joined in an exclusive panel by Alexia Mallet, Modelling and Simulation Engineer, and Pantelis Poulakis, Mission Project Manager, from the European Space Agency (ESA).

Our guests will discuss a range of topics from the on-going mission to find life on Mars, and how real-life rocket science (and its challenges) play a part in the game design of Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life. Mark your calendars - this is one you don’t want to miss!

  • 📆 Date: Sunday 10th March
  • ⏰ Time: 7:00am PT | 10:00am PT | 1:00pm PT
[h3]Panelists[/h3] Moderators ESA Representatives
  • Alexia Mallet - Modelling and Simulation Manager - She/Her
  • Pantelis Poulakis - Mission Project Manager - He/Him
[h3]Important Links[/h3] https://www.esa.int/

