1. CaseCracker2
  2. News
  3. "CaseCracker 2" is set to launch on the Steam platform on May 17th.

"CaseCracker 2" is set to launch on the Steam platform on May 17th.

Hello, I am Ge Meiling, the current Chairman of BlackRobe Inc.

Recently, we discovered that the project leader of our CaseCracker, Bro B, has gone missing. After reporting to the police, the Crimson City authorities found a lot of hidden information within the CaseCracker. Following internal discussions, the decision was made to officially release version 2.0 of the system on the Steam platform on May 17th, known as "CaseCracker 2." In addition to supporting the Windows operating system, this version will also be compatible with Mac systems.

"CaseCracker 2" has already participated in the "Oriental Game Culture Week" event on Steam with a demo available for experience. If interested, you are welcome to try it out.

The police informed me that Bro B created a "Wall of Thanks" within the CaseCracker system. Users who follow "CaseCracker 2" on Steam and add it to their wishlist will have their names displayed on this wall, which I believe is Bro B's heartfelt thanks to those who support the system.

I hope you can help spread this message so that more people come to the system to uncover the information left by Bro B, in hopes of finding him soon.

Nineteen years ago, on May 17th, the famous "517 Incident" occurred in Crimson City. This year's May 17th is bound to be just as eventful, and I hope you can be there on time.