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  3. Unique Tank Powers and Mastery

Unique Tank Powers and Mastery

[h3]Unique Powers[/h3]
Experiment with various play styles for each Tank and create loadouts with equipment customized to your tank's Unique Power.

[h3]Mastery Rewards[/h3]
Grind with purpose using the new Mastery system; replay missions to fill the Mastery Wreath and earn rewards with extra Biomass or Tanks. Even a failed mission adds percentages to the Mastery.

You can now fully enjoy the game story with localization available in German, French, Spanish (LatAm), and Czech languages.

A new pumped up track has been added to the gameplay loop: Interstellar by Kubatko.

Have you unraveled the mystery of the elusive Alien Interface yet?

[h3]Detailed List of Changes[/h3]