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  2. News
  3. Improvement Update #13: Road to Paludarium - Fish Cultivation

Improvement Update #13: Road to Paludarium - Fish Cultivation

Hello, Aquascapers!

As we continue to expand and evolve our aquascaping ventures, we're excited to introduce the next stage of business development: Fish Cultivation. This significant milestone follows the successful implementation of Room Expansion and offers players the opportunity to unlock new possibilities within their aquascape business.

Fish Cultivation takes place within the expansion room, conveniently located adjacent to the main home base. Within this designated area, players will find five cultivation boxes designed to nurture fish from their juvenile stages to adulthood. This streamlined process eliminates the need for traditional fishing methods, allowing players to efficiently cultivate their desired fish species without the hassle of fishing in the wild.

One of the key benefits of fish cultivation is its efficiency. By cultivating fish, players can obtain their desired species reliably and save valuable time that would otherwise be spent fishing in various locations. Unlike traditional fishing, where multiple attempts may be required to capture specific species, fish cultivation provides a more direct and streamlined approach to acquiring aquatic companions for your aquascape.

While fish cultivation offers numerous advantages, it's essential to consider the limitations of traditional fishing methods. Fishing in the wild can be time-consuming and unpredictable, requiring players to invest significant effort in locating and capturing desired fish species. Additionally, identifying the correct fishing locations can pose a challenge, further complicating the process.

By embracing this feature, players can enhance their efficiency, streamline their operations, and unlock new opportunities for creativity and success in the world of aquascaping.

Prepare to immerse yourself in the captivating world of fish cultivation and elevate your aquascaping game to new heights. Happy aquascaping! 🐟✨
