1. Tales of Kenzera™: ZAU
  2. News


Full immersion for the completionists.

When we first announced the news that Tales of Kenzera: ZAU is playable in both English and Swahili voiceover, we were thrilled see so many of you as excited about it as we are!

It was a huge priority for us and, once we found out we could make it work, we threw ourselves wholeheartedly into finding a brilliant Swahili-speaking cast.

We're already hearing from a surprising number of players who are doing a full run of ZAU in Swahili followed by a second run in English, or vice versa. That curiosity and enthusiasm for this beautiful language is really gratifying to see.

Due to a quirk in the system, however, we discovered that we wouldn't be able to present any of the achievements in Swahili. They're all translated and ready to go, but we couldn't figure out how to get them to those of you wanted the full Swahili experience.

So, we found a workaround.

The above is just a small selection of the achievements, of course. You can find all of them on our game's page here. Fair warning: the completionists among you may wish to avoid spoilers by not visiting this page until you're ready. Something to bookmark for later.

As always, you have all our gratitude for your generous support. We hope you're enjoying ZAU, no matter which language you went with in the end.

- The Surgent Team