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HAELE 3D - Feet Poser Pro News

Portrait Studio Lite - Coming Soon!

Hello World!

HAELE 3D - Portrait Studio Lite is 3D facial anatomy drawing reference tool for the artist, with various characters, expressions and environments. It is an easy to use app to complement tutorials, for those who are learning how to draw faces.

It is going to be a free app and the plan is to release it this Summer!



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v91 - Reordered the opening screen

v91 - Reordered the opening screen

v90 - Traditional and Simplified Chinese Translation Updates

v90 - Traditional and Simplified Chinese Translation Updates

v85 - Gizmo

Changed the transform gizmo in posing mode to a better one

v83 Updates from the last two days before 1.0

I did not have time to properly record the updates before 1.0 as I had tones to do regarding the release so here is a summary.

- CHANGED - Cleaned up the rest of the UI
- FIXED - Ctrl+Z was not hooked up
- FIXED - Undoing to much resets the scene to the starter scene
- FIXED - Too much redo loaded the starter scene
- FIXED - After preset scene selection, you needed two undos to undo one :)
- FIXED - Applying morph or environment presets did not create undo state
- ADDED - VR Support, works with Oculus Quest 2, probably also with Index, WMR and Vive, but I did not test it.
- ADDED - XBox Controller support, it works well for camera movement, but need a bit of work on the UI
- FIXED - Start Posing button failed to initiate posing correctly when some presets scenes were selected
- CHANGED - Transform gizmos get hidden in VR
- CHANGED - VR Menu is a bit smaller, the hand laser is blue
- CHANGED - Improved the readability of the expandable areas
- FIXED - CTRL - Z Undo (again)
- ADDED - 6 New Color Presets
White, White Dirty, Light Callus, Medium Callus, Dark Callus, Blue
- FIXED - A bug when editable poses killed the fps when returning to desktop mode from VR
- CHANGED - Fine tuned Xbox Controls and VR Controls