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Receiver News

Minor patch

- Fixed an issue where the game wouldn't get past the splash screen on MacOS Apple Silicone machines.

Receiver v10: Modifiers Update



The Threat has once again invaded The Dreaming and expanded its grip on the world. To counter this, the Receivers are reaching out to you to support and give you more power and control of your Reality.

We are thrilled to announce a new update for Receiver, just in time for a sale on all of our titles and additions of new bundles. Support Wolfire in its goal to create more games and exciting content by checking them out!

This update brings some exciting changes and improvements to the game, including a new Modifier system that allows you change the gameplay in some fun ways. We’ve also fixed a set of performance issues and bugs, in particular one bug that had a major impact on Linux performance.

We’ve also added support for custom seeds, allowing you to replay the same world again, or share the seed with your friends to challenge each other.

We would love to hear suggestions for future modifiers in our Steam community or our Discord server.

New Modifiers
  • Green Demon: try to complete the game while being chased by a slower but immortal kill drone.
  • Thick Fog: Darken the world and shorten your view distance, making enemies harder to see and increasing their potential to surprise you.
  • Spawn Magazines: At long last, additional magazines will spawn in the world, allowing you to have more than the ones you initially manifest.
  • Tough Killdrones: Killdrones take more of a beating by requiring that you hit vital components, no more random chance of destruction by any hit.
  • Deadly Threat: Everything is worse. The Threat is made near impossible to overcome.
Other Changes and Fixes
  • Add a “Modifiers” menu button to play custom games.
  • Reduce garbage generation in Shell Casings scripts.
  • Fixed an issue with Revolvers.
  • Made VSync turn off by default.
  • Improved the Settings menu to be nicer to use and interact with.
  • Implement FOV Slider.
  • Stop limiting the games FPS to 60.
  • Globally enable round interpolation inside of magazines.
  • Adjust player camera near-plane.
  • Implement a speedrun split timer for tape-pickup.
  • Added an advertisement for Receiver 2 in the pause menu, can be completely disabled via settings.

Receiver Soundtrack Now Available!


The original Receiver soundtrack by H. Anton Riehl is now available on Steam!

Receiver Industrial Tileset Mod Spotlight


Cameron Morris - https://linktr.ee/CameronPMorris

Written by
Cameron Morris - https://linktr.ee/CameronPMorris

Edited by
Cameron Morris - https://linktr.ee/CameronPMorris

Quality Control
David Rosen

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• Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ReceiverGameOfficial

Wolfire's New Game: Low Light Combat 2021

We are thrilled to announce our brand new 100% free experience, Low Light Combat. Long time Wolfire fans might recognise that name but this multiplayer shooter was developed from the ground up in the cutting edge Unreal Engine 5.
In Low Light Combat light is your only weapon. Matches take place during a rapidly changing day and night cycle, meaning your fast paced fights quickly become tense and thrilling battles of wit. In LLC, your health, ammo, and stamina are all tied to a single resource: Time. That means everything from firing your weapon and taking damage, to sprinting and shining your flashlight will all deplete your time. To replenish your time you must either defeat other players, or touch the reactor found in the middle of the map. But you must act fast because time... is fleeting.

We developed this project in one month and there are a couple reasons for this. We wanted to see what was possible with the new Unreal Engine 5. We wanted to push ourselves to create something fun without taking too much time away from other projects. But mostly we wanted to give the Wolfire community an exciting and unique multiplayer experience at no cost whatsoever!